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    The trouble with quotes about Death is that 99.999 percent of them are made by people who are still alive." - Joshua Bruns

Michael Meinecke's DEATH

What is death? There are a million explanations, and I won't pretend to understand them all. This site seeks to explore death, change, rupture, etc. in funny, meaningful, and disturbing ways. Hopefully, you will leave here with a better understanding of what comes next. What does comes next?

Hell if I know!

Project #1: The Life and Death of a Coke Bottle

Everything dies...even coke bottles. Experience the joy, the laughter, and the horror as a bottle of Coca-Cola does what it does best, lie around. A video starring Luis Cobos and Kristen Hurd.

Project #2: Spontaneous Human Combustion

A severed foot lying on the bathroom floor. A horrid image of almost unimaginable pain. Spontaneous Human Combustion has scientists laughing, but there are those who believe that some people are just not meant to die peacefully. They like to go out with a BANG! Discover a painting inspired by a real case of SHC!

Project #3: The Kidnapping

A stranger in a suit and tie sits alone among a crowd of students. He rises and delivers a small white box to the professor. Once opened, the box reveals a mirage of flowers and photographs. A letter lies among the multitude of colors. Sandy Stone reads the letter aloud. It becomes clear a kidnapping is in progress. A video may be the only clue to Michael Meinecke's whereabouts.