Simple Stats has been installed and configured successfully. What next?
Include the following javascript link on pages you you wish to have monitored. It should be placed inside the '<head>' element of your web page where you would normally include other scripts and should be included last.
The generated link below can be copied and pasted safely.
When creating the video player you must be sure to enable Javascript support and give each player a Javascript ID. See an example below:
<div id="videocontainer1">This text will be replaced</div> <script type="text/javascript"> var so = new SWFObject('/embed/mediaplayer.swf','video1','400','320','8'); so.addParam('allowscriptaccess','always'); so.addVariable('width','400'); so.addVariable('height','320'); so.addVariable('file','/videos/test.mp4'); so.addVariable('enablejs','true'); so.addVariable('javascriptid','video1'); so.write('videocontainer1'); </script>Show an example for the 4.x series player
Continue to statistics by selecting Overview from the menu or refreshing the page.