Abhinav's Soundscapes (Spring '08)    A Film    Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound    Confessions of an Acterror

Greetings, friends!

Abhinav Moustache 

Name: Abhinav Kumar (that's my name, not yours...unless your name is Abhinav Kumar)

I'm a Business Honors and Marketing major.  I like making movies and writing - most anything creative.
Comedy has a pretty big hold on my life, so much of what I do has some sort of humor (innocent, sarcastic, toilet, etc.).
I don't have too much of a purpose in my life right now...no higher calling or anything like that, yet.

Soundscapes is my first ACTLab class...let's see what my head poops out
- enjoy.

Abhinav Kumar
SS#: 089-74-1940

ACTLab Interdisciplinary New Media Program at UT-Austin