"Mars" screen I recently completed work for Geoff Marslett's animated feature film "Mars," animating several of the movies futuristic computer monitors.
Common Screen
During the summer of 2008 I worked as an intern at Shiny Object, an Austin-based design, production, and motion-graphics company. I got to animate motion graphics that played behind bands at Boost Mobile RockCorp in LA.
thesis screen My last year as a liberal arts honors major at the University of Texas at Austin was spent learning animation techniques and Adobe After Effects, culminating in a 20-minute animated thesis film.
"Long Island" Since learning editing software like Avid and Final Cut Pro, I've done freelance work for Austin filmmakers, including editing a split-screen experimental documentary.

I put so much stock in the Weird and Far Out because it's become impossible to project your own meaning into the recycled and resold Familiar.