

Introducing the Igram

Igram - The Making Of

Day 1

Well on day one of the project I was going to do all of the shooting/filming. However, many things quickly put kinks in my day's plan. My first concept was to have this long dolly up to the table and then my actor would say his lines. This plan was destroyed when I couldn't find a suitable dolly for the shoot. The rest of the day was spent attempting to find a dolly of some sort and for an affordable price. After 4 hours wasted it was getting dark. So I called it a day, since my shoot was Originally going to be outside.


Day 2

The next day I got up early so I could get the shooting over with and start the editing process. I had everything planned. I had my friends HD camera, my boom mic, all the props and other accessories, but no actor. My actor had called me and informed me that he was ill. Thinking fast I called up another actor who I had worked with several times in the past, and he happily showed up in a jiffy. Everything seemed to be coming together. When we got to our location we quickly began setting things up, but as I was hooking up all of the equipment the boom mic crapped out on me. After waiting probably an hour trying to get it to work I just gave up, and decided to just shoot with the camera's microphone. (This is why I used the camera mic Sandy.) My actor had learned his lines fast, and we decided to have a go at it. There is just one problem though with shooting on top of the roof, the wind. The wind was blowing way to hard to pull the shot off that I needed. Annoyed, we packed everything up and went back to my place. I decided to shoot the film on green screen, because I could still do a small hand held dolly and then create a cool virtual world in post. We set everything up and shot it. Finally, it was all coming together, or so I thought. Later that day when I was editing the film I noticed that there was way too much camera movement from the hand held dolly. I became really frustrated because I was going to have to re-shoot the next day. I spent the rest of the night picking out colors and textures for the digital background.

Day 3

On this day I called back my actor and explained the situation. When he arrived at my place I had already set everything up, and we shot the whole thing on a tripod. This time I looked at all of the footage before I put everything up and sent my actor home. Success! I finally got everything I needed. After I put everything away the long editing process now awaited my arrival. During the editing process I used AfterEffects and Photoshop to create everything that was behind the actor as well as the animated intro where the doors open.

Day 4

I edited, edited, and then did more editing. Then I was finished!!!!

