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This is the first track to a new musical I'm working on entitled Bumville. This is the introductory number so it's entitled Bumville as well. Start Track at 3:12. |
Project 2 This is the second track to the same musical entitled Lucky Penny. This is the first track on the audio recording. |
Project 3 This is a piece I wrote entitled To Heather From Blain. It's a piece of a written pros about the emotional pulls and pushes of my last relationship. Please send comments to blaindennis@hotmail.com
To Heather, From Blain
Chapter One
He was a freshman in college. Raised in the posh part of a suburb just north of Dallas, Blain was immediately struck by the eclectic appeal of Austin, Texas. There was the university, the hills, the hippies, the bums—anything and everything one could possibly imagine, all thrown together, beating in harmonic rhythm with the vivacity of its people. Surely, it would not be too terribly difficult for Blain to get settled in. He was, after all, an outgoing, sociable, ambitious young man with an eager readiness of spirit and a mind that asked questions and harnessed big dreams. So many options, so much potential he saw within the walls of those buildings, beneath the whispers of trees a hundred years old. Now was his time. He was finally free to do as he pleased, to act out of impulse, to go crazy on occasion, to determine his future. There was immense freedom and satisfaction in acknowledging his newly realized responsibilities. A world of knowledge and experience awaited him. But he wouldn’t understand just how much he had to learn until he met Heather. “Well, hello there. Welcome to Towers,” she said. “My name’s Heather. I’ll be your RA this year.” It was registration day at the new dorm into which Blain had just moved. He gulped down the lump that had formed in his throat. She was gorgeous! Soft, shoulder-length blonde hair, green eyes, and a smile that only a Texan would wear, Heather was beautiful! “I’m Blain,” was all he could say. He smiled. She smiled. And that was pretty much how it went the first time they met. Nothing special, just a casual, friendly introduction. Weeks rolled by before the two would see each other again. Blain was pledging a fraternity, so that whole first semester, he was hardly ever around. But one night after a little “hunting and fishing” at the house, he finally managed to muster up the courage to knock on the door of his RA who lived just next door. She answered and invited him in. Blain took two steps and standing in his plain white t-shirt, blue jeans, and Red Wing boots, his eyes quickly scanned the room, hoping he would spot something on which to comment and strike up a conversation. No luck. Heather’s room was a world unfamiliar to Blain. Candles flickered on every table and countertop. A faint scent of lavender lingered in the air as a stick of incense burned by the kokopelli on the nightstand by her bed. Blain smelled like sweat mixed with chewing tobacco and cigarettes; he immediately regretted his decision to drop in and say hello. But Heather somehow caught wind of Blain’s uneasy disposition and made him feel welcome nonetheless. She was comforting, compassionate—the kind of person you don’t even know but feel you can trust. He wanted to tell her his entire life’s story. It was as though a pressing force was egging him on to go ahead and open up. And so they shared their histories, their experiences, their plans. She came to know he was from Dallas, a media studies student struggling with OCD. He learned she was from Georgia, a psychology student struggling with an eating disorder. They had talked for quite some time when it began to get dark. As the sunlight beaming through the balcony blinds began to turn soft, dissipating into darkness, Blain sensed that Heather was getting anxious. “So what do you have going on tonight?” Blain asked. And it’s a good thing he did. Though he was disappointed to learn she had a boyfriend—some guy named Brian—it was for the best that she be up front with him about her relationship status. There was definitely some interest on both sides of the table. He didn’t know it at the time, but Heather wasn’t all too happy in her relationship with Brian. He was emotionally abusive and controlling, and Heather was looking for a way out. But the words “my boyfriend” did a pretty good job in killing the mood. “Damn,” he thought. That evening, Blain left feeling rather optimistic about it all. He’d just have to wait it out, and he was okay with that.
Chapter Two
Well, it’s official. Some of the best things in life are those you have to wait for. A whole year had passed, and it was now November. Blain was a sophomore. Heather was a senior. Blain, ironically, had moved into an apartment just a few blocks away from Heather’s place. He had called her several times, trying to get her to go on a date, but she was hesitant. They often met at Starbucks in between classes or late at night to talk about life and ponder over the human condition. Blain learned that Heather was no longer seeing Brian, nonchalantly taking note without so much as a flinch. No big deal. At least that’s how he hoped Heather would interpret his reaction to the news. He didn’t want to come across as desperate, like he’d been dreaming of the moment all along—even though he had. But it was on one very special weeknight when Blain decided he’d better come clean or never stand a chance at all. So he settled for the lame, “Why don’t you come over and watch a movie?” line, and after a little prodding, she accepted the invitation. Now, Blain was just a little drunk by now. He knew that tonight was the night, so he took the liberty of calming his nerves with the help of a brief episode of inebriation. It’s sad, but if he was going to spill his beans, he needed to feel as relaxed and comfortable as possible. His solution: a little Jack Daniels to take the edge off. About four shots into his ingenious idea, he stumbled down the stairs to answer the knock at the door. He introduced her to his roommate Charlie, who was at his usual place on the sofa doing aerospace algorithms and the like. From what he could remember, they all sat around for a while talking about this and that, carrying on as though they had been friends since childhood. Blain grew more and more nervous which each passing minute, so he tried to think of a good excuse to get away. “Well, we better let Charlie get back to his work,” he chimed. The television in the living room where they had been talking was “obviously” taken, so Blain suggested he and Heather watch the movie on his laptop upstairs in his room. And that’s how it happened. Heather had to use the restroom, so Blain waited on his bed until she came out. He didn’t really know how to go about it, what to say, or whether or not to forget the whole thing altogether. But before he could contemplate another fleeting thought, he found himself on his feet, face to face with his infatuation. Words poured from his mouth. He didn’t know what he was saying, but she was listening. The next thing you know the two were wrapped in each other’s arms, lips locked in timeless desire. There was an instantaneous connection that held them motionless, suspended in passionate bliss. He breathed hard and purposefully; she shallow quips, uncontrollable and hurried. They breathed life into one another, materializing an excited existence that neither had ever known. The world outside had vanished without notice. Reality was present in the heat between their bodies. Nothing else had ever been more real.
Chapter Three
The lights were low. Laughter pierced the smoke that hung in the air amidst the sensual sounds of coiled strings and ivory keys. An Amaretto sour and a glass of Chimay rested on the mahogany bar while rim shots from a snare struck through the bellows of a baritone sax. It was called The Elephant Room, and it was a favorite spot for the new couple when they needed to escape the drudgery of deadlines and days wasted away with their heads buried in books. There was something soothing about that place—so sexy and refined. Heather, in her flowing silken blouse, would lift her glass with an elegance befitting the class and composure of a lady. “How could she be any more perfect,” Blain thought quietly. She toyed with the sleeve of his corduroy jacket as he traced with his fingertips the curls at the back of her neck. Jazz pulsated like the feathers of a peacock luring his mate, then crawled out the door, up the stairwell, and out into the stillness of the city sky.
This is an HBO Original Mini-series I'm trying to pitch. Please send comments to blaindennis@hotmail.com
Bastardly Beautiful is the story of a family’s resilience and fortitude through the revelation of extramarital affairs. Many children today, myself included, grow up believing their families to be “normal” and look to their parents as role models for how they should live their own lives. But the truth is, parents are only human and are not immune to making serious moral mistakes. Kids become adults and sometimes realize the love they remember their parents to have shared was a lie. Confronted with this harsh reality, a family, and its constituent internal relationships, are put to the test as the individuals must decide how to cope with the news of an affair and move on with their lives. As it happens in most cases, shit hits the fan, emotions flare, respect is lost, and the future remains a question mark. The story of Bastardly Beautiful is no different, but then again, it is so much more.
Episode One HUSBAND and WIFE are not so happily married. In terms of intimacy, sex life, even sheer conversation, everything’s a mess! Scene opens on WIFE mulling over the food on her plate, stabbing at it with her fork. An annoyed expression of disgust comes over her face.
“The Lord intended for us to eat our food, not play with it,” says HUSBAND at the other end of the table.
WIFE, food still in mouth, stops chewing, then spits it out on her plate, wipes her mouth, tosses her napkin on her plate, picks up her wine glass, and walks out of the dining room, leaving HUSBAND at the table. Next shot is of HUSBAND opening the door to the bedroom, where WIFE is putting on makeup in her towel.
“What are you doing?” HUSBAND asks.
“The girls called and said they were having coffee. So I’m going to meet up with them,” replies WIFE.
HUSBAND walks behind WIFE sitting in front of the mirror. His hands trace up and down her arms. He then undoes her towel, breasts exposed to the camera. Kneeling beside her, tears start to gather in his eyes, and she holds him to her chest. He begins to sob, then heave, and with his head turned away, the scene closes with WIFE staring into the mirror. Next scene opens with a 2 shot of WIFE and MR. LOVER laughing and carrying on at dinner. Then there’s a shot of the car door opening as MS. LOVER steps out. She’s a very attractive woman, dark hair and long legs. HUSBAND tosses the keys to the valet guy, and the two proceed to walk into the restaurant. HUSBAND gives the host his name (which is not his real name), and they are taken to their table. HUSBAND immediately orders a bottle of wine. He is calm and collected. If anyone from the church (HUSBAND is a priest) were to see him out with another woman, he knows he’d always be able to pull it off. Besides, MS. LOVER is a member of HUSBAND’S congregation. HUSBAND excuses himself, and just before he gets to the bathroom door, he sees WIFE and MR. LOVER out of the corner of his eye. He hesitates, stalls for a bit, then proceeds to the bathroom. He takes out a pen and a pocket Bible from his jacket pocket, tears out a page, and scribbles a note. He stares into the mirror, pen in hand, and the camera focuses on the whites of his knuckles as he grips it tightly. Putting the pen back in his pocket, he bends down to splash some water on his face, then walks out of the frame. We hear the bathroom door shut. Next shot is of HUSBAND giving the note to the host. He describes the woman and the gentleman at the table by the bathroom (WIFE and MR. LOVER), asking the host to give the note to their waitress for her to put in their bill. The host obediently complies, and HUSBAND goes back to his table. Next shot is of MR. LOVER receiving his bill. Inside, he finds a note which reads,
“You don’t know me, but I know you. NOW KNOW THIS. Stay the fuck away from my wife!”
MR. LOVER hurriedly takes the note, crumples it in his hand, throws his credit card in the billfold, and takes a quick glance around the restaurant.
“What’s wrong?” WIFE asks.
“Oh, nothing,” MR. LOVER responds. “You ready?”
Next shot has the camera following WIFE and MR. LOVER as they leave the restaurant. MR. LOVER opens the door for WIFE and scans the restaurant again before leaving. The door shuts. The episode ends.
Episode Two
Scene opens to HUSBAND undressing. WIFE is reading in bed. She puts down her book, leans over to HUSBAND, and wraps her arms around him.
“What if I told you I was pregnant,” says WIFE.
HUSBAND stops untying his shoes and looks at WIFE. Right then, his cell phone rings. He’s not sure whether he should answer it, but eventually, he gets up and picks up his phone on the dresser.
“I’m pregnant,” says the voice on the other end.
It’s MS. LOVER. HUSBAND gulps, brings his hand to his face, and begins rubbing his forehead, as if in deep thought, but not quite knowing what to say.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. That’s terrible news, Mrs. So and So. Yes, yes, I’ll be right over.”
“Mrs. So and So’s husband just left her. It seems he’s been seeing another woman. I have to go.” “Now?”
“Yes now! My duties are to the church and its members. We’ll talk later.”
HUSBAND leaves, and WIFE throws book at the door when it shuts. Next scene is of HUSBAND pulling in to MS. LOVER’S drive. He gets out of the car, walks into the house, and MS. LOVER is waiting in a chair when he opens the door. She gets up. She’s calm. He’s frantic. Action/Reaction shots capture their conversation as they argue over what they should do. He pleads with her not to have the baby. She reminds him she’s Catholic, and he’s a priest! At that moment, HUSBAND turns and storms outside, slamming the door behind him. He peels out of the drive and races home. Next shot is of HUSBAND as he pulls into his drive. He gets out of the car and walks through the front door. WIFE is sitting in a chair. She’s been waiting for him.
“This is just what we need, HUSBAND, a child to bring into this world, to bring joy and love back into our marriage. Don’t you think?”
Without saying a word, HUSBAND walks past WIFE and heads off to the bedroom. WIFE is left in her chair. She puts her head in her hands and cries. Episode ends.
Episode Three
Scene opens in the hospital. WIFE is in labor, and HUSBAND is standing right beside her. She has the baby, and the DOCTOR (a.k.a. MR. LOVER) announces it’s a girl. HUSBAND doesn’t recognize MR. LOVER at the time because he covered in scrubs, mask, hair net, the whole works. Next shot is of HUSBAND standing behind the glass looking into the nursery where two babies lay side by side, one a BABY GIRL, one a BABY BOY, the girl strongly resembling her mother (WIFE), the boy strongly resembling his father (HUSBAND). The names on their beds read the same last name. HUSBAND can’t help but stare at BABY BOY. Same last name, same color hair, same color eyes. The audience is now aware of the fact that MS. LOVER must have kept HUSBAND’S last name for her baby. HUSBAND’S thoughts are now fixated on his MS. LOVER. He begins having flashbacks, which adds to the drama. Clearly anguished, tears begin to dribble from his eyes, and his body shakes. Camera, in slow motion, follows tear as it drops from HUSBAND’S eye and spatters on the floor. Camera is still focused on the liquid that has gathered on the floor. Camera widens out, and we see the remnants of a spilled cup of water on the floor of a school cafeteria. BABY GIRL bends down to clean up her mess, and BABY BOY kindly offers to help. BABY GIRL sets her eyes for the first time on BABY BOY, who, oddly, looks very much like the man she has grown up believing is her father. Same hair, same eyes. She dismisses the thought. BABY GIRL is immediately attracted to BABY BOY. He’s kind (After all, he’s helping her clean up her mess.), he’s cute, and he reminds her of home. BABY BOY asks her name, and the two share a laugh when they realize they have the same last name.
“What a coincidence,” he remarks.
She smiles. Episode ends.
Episode Four
BABY BOY and BABY GIRL, having hit it off, start to date, and one night in his room, she asks him about his parents. He tells her of his beloved mother (MS. LOVER) and the piece of shit (HUSBAND) who left them to fend for themselves. It’s Memorial Day weekend, and BABY GIRL asks BABY BOY if he’d like to go back home with her on Sunday and meet her parents after church. Next scene is inside BABY BOY’S car. BABY GIRL is telling him how great her parents are, especially her father.
“He’s such an honest man,” she tells him. “Always looking out for the welfare of others.”
They pull into the church parking lot and walk inside, just in time to catch her father’s sermon. Ironically, (and yet oh so perfectly), the theme of HUSBAND’S sermon is deception and how we, as the children of God, are called to be truthful and to cleanse our souls of our secrets. When the service ends, the congregation proceeds to file out of the church. BABY GIRL and BABY BOY walk to the door where HUSBAND is standing as he socializes with church members on their way out the door. A crowd has gathered around him, so BABY GIRL and BABY BOY wait their turn. HUSBAND has his back to them, and upon hearing his “daughter’s” voice, he turns around, only to look straight into the eyes of the young man he looks so much alike. Same eyes. Same hair. Awkward silence presumes. BABY GIRL introduces BABY BOY to HUSBAND, but she has to nudge him on the shoulder to get him to snap out of his trance. Introductions are made, and HUSBAND tells them he’ll see them at home. HUSBAND never comes home though. He never shows up for the big lunch that WIFE has prepared for the occasion. Everyone is worried sick. Finally, the phone rings. WIFE answers, only to hear a strange woman’s voice (MS. LOVER) on the other end of the line. MS. LOVER tells WIFE that HUSBAND is there at her house and confesses their affair. She asks WIFE to come over so they can talk, but WIFE drops the phone, becomes hysterical, and BABY GIRL and BABY BOY end up having to take her to the hospital. As they leave, a NEIGHBOR across the street is out mowing his lawn. The episode ends as he watches them drive off.
Episode Five
Having been hung up on, MS. LOVER suggests to HUSBAND that they go over to WIFE’S house. They arrive only to find no one home, but the NEIGHBOR across the street sees HUSBAND and MS. LOVER banging frantically on the door. He walks over to them, trimmer in hand, and tells them that if he had to guess, they probably went to the hospital.
“She looked like she was in pretty bad shape,” NEIGHBOR admits.
So HUSBAND and MS. LOVER race off to the hospital. There, HUSBAND asks the NURSE at the front desk where he can find WIFE. HUSBAND and MS. LOVER find the room. She’s been given some heavy drugs to knock her out. DOCTOR (a.k.a. MR. LOVER) comes in to evaluate her condition (This is the first time DOCTOR has seen his new patient.). HUSBAND recognizes DOCTOR as MR. LOVER this time and fixates his eyes on the man he remembers from that night at the restaurant—the man who was having dinner with his wife. DOCTOR looks down at WIFE. The expression on DOCTOR’S face indicates familiarity, shock, and fear. DOCTOR looks back at HUSBAND, as if to see if he’s noticed.
HUSBAND then says, “You don’t know me, but I know you. Now’s not the time though. Take my wife to this address when she’s released.”
HUSBAND rips out a page from the pocket Bible inside his jacket, writes his address, hands it to DOCTOR, and walks out, MS. LOVER trailing behind. MS. LOVER makes eye contact with DOCTOR. He’s speechless and shuts his eyes as if in embarrassment. HUSBAND and MS. LOVER make their way out of the hospital, but just before they get to the door, BABY GIRL and BABY BOY, sitting in the waiting area, spot them. BABY GIRL shouts to her “father,” her worries as to his disappearance having suddenly vanished. Overcome with joy, she wraps her arms around him. BABY BOY slowly approaches his mother (MS. LOVER), not quite sure what to think at this point.
BABY GIRL, still in HUSBAND’S arms, looks back at BABY BOY.
Thoroughly confused, she looks back at HUSBAND and jerks, releasing herself from his embrace. Uneasily but somberly, HUSBAND looks at his “daughter.”
“Let’s go home, BABY GIRL. We have a lot to talk about.”
HUSBAND reaches out his arm, but BABY GIRL, still confused, remains motionless.
“But what about Mo . . .” HUSBAND cuts her off mid-sentence.
“Your mother will be fine. You’ll see her soon.”
BABY GIRL, perplexed, looks at MS. LOVER, whose eyes have now become glazed with tears. BABY GIRL storms out of the hospital, breaks down in the middle of the street, and BABY BOY chases after her, literally having to pick her up kicking and screaming to get her in the car. HUSBAND, still inside, sits on a bench, head in hands, and sobs. Camera shot a close up of HUSBAND’S sobbing head. HUSBAND begins to talk. He speaks, and the camera widens out. The scene has changed. It is late in the evening now, and everyone, (including WIFE and DOCTOR) are seated in the living room at WIFE’S home. HUSBAND, struggling, tells the story of the dark secret he’s kept for so long. He looks to his son (BABY BOY) and asks his forgiveness. BABY BOY (not so “baby” anymore) gets up, walks over to his father he always knew was a piece of shit, and slugs him right square in the jaw, knocking him to the floor. WIFE and MS. LOVER rush to HUSBAND’S side to help him back up. When WIFE sees MS. LOVER trying to help him, she snaps and shoves MS. LOVER to the floor. DOCTOR rushes to MS. LOVER’S side. We see BABY BOY walk out of frame, and we hear the door slam. BABY GIRL stands up to chase after BABY BOY, but DOCTOR cries out
“Wait, BABY GIRL!”
BABY GIRL stops cold and wheels around.
“How do you know my name?” DOCTOR answers, “I delivered you, BABY GIRL. (pause) I’m your father.” WIFE interrupts and screams, “Liar! HUSBAND is the father of my BABY GIRL.”
In desperation, WIFE looks to HUSBAND, but his head is down. He doesn’t flinch. She then reveals the truth of her affair with DOCTOR but is fervently insistent on the fact that HUSBAND is the father of BABY GIRL.
DOCTOR then says, softly, “I saw her charts from the nursery, WIFE. (pause) BABY GIRL is my daughter.”
WIFE screams, “You bastard! How could you not tell me? How could you?”
In agony, WIFE curls into a ball and rocks back and forth while crying vehemently. HUSBAND wraps his arms around her. The two hold each other. BABY GIRL turns around and walks out the door. Outside, BABY GIRL and BABY BOY face each other.
BABY GIRL says, “You were right, BABY BOY. Your dad’s a real piece of shit. It’s not your mom’s fault, though.” BABY BOY replies, “Yeah.” (long pause) BABY GIRL then says, “You wouldn’t be in my life though . . . if all this hadn’t happened. We wouldn’t even be here.”
BABY BOY smiles. BABY GIRL smiles back. The camera widens out from a 2-shot of two smiling faces. HUSBAND is reading the “Love is . . .” monologue from the Bible. BABY GIRL is in her wedding dress. BABY BOY is sharply dressed in a tux. DOCTOR and MS. LOVER are sitting together holding hands. WIFE is next to them, tears in her eyes.
“And now you may kiss the bride.”
Family photos are taken, first the bride with her family, then the groom with his family, then everyone together.
The PHOTOGRAPHER says, “Alright. One big happy family. I love it. Ready? One, two, three.”
The photo is taken, and it serves as a still image backdrop for the credits as they roll by.