Welcome to Baylor Johnson's project page for the Spring 2006 Weird Science ACTLAB class at the University of Texas. I have looked forward to every single Thursday of this semester thanks to this class. The discussions were always fascinating, and the projects were always incredible. I only hope that my own contributions helped to give others a similar experience.

Speaking of contributions, here are my project pages:

Project I & II: SPORE, an experiment in 3-D animation.

FINAL PROJECT: THE ROBOT FRANKENSTEIN, an experiment in musical storytelling.

There they are, in all their digital glory. Fun as they were to create, the next time I take an ACTLAB class (which, hopefully, will be very soon) I intend to make something "physical" as opposed to digital.

Questions and comments, feel free to email me at boxclocke[at]theworkingchair.com or boxclocke[at]gmail.com. Be sure to anti-de-spam-ify those addresses.

Thanks, and enjoy!