Welcome to Charles Boyd's Postmodern Gothic Website
Please click on "I", "II", or "III" above to discover the fell craft by which I forged the hideous abomination below:
(the one on the left)
So why did I decide to devote the fall semester of my senior year to the creation of a freakish, scarecrow-like cyborg endoskeleton? My initial inspiration came while reading the Postmodern Gothic syllabus. In it, Sandy told us that over the course of the semester, we would be determining what a postmodern gothic monster might be like, with the final class day being a sort of public event for displaying our newly-imagined monsters. I suspect she was just being poetical, but I chose to take these sentences literally.
Why is my monster a cyborg? One of the class's first readings ostensibly included cyborgs as one of its primary topics, though I found that my own notions of cyborgs and the author's varied noticeably. So, why not build a cyborg myself to give everyone an idea of my own interpretation of this particular beast? Pliars and wrenches in hand, I set out to create my own postmodern monster in three phases to coincide with the class's three project dates.