- This project is an attempt to recreate the nightmares I used to have when I was growing up.
At some point during my young adult life I quit having these nightmares and I became nostalgic for them.
I then created this video to try and induce these nightmares again.
- Citizens of the United States have succombed to the power of the prescription drug companies.
Today there is a drug to cure everything from baldness to FPS (flacid penile syndrome). THE LITTLE BROWN PILL is intended to
be a commentary on the use of prescription drugs. There is no diret refernce to what the pill does; it is left up to
the viewer to hypothesize is use.
This project was originally presented as a Keynote presentation which does not translate well to web viewing, so I turned
it into a quicktime movie. Doing this disallowed for control of the video, so it runs a little bit slow, sorry for the inconvenience.
- I developed the eSAG as an ironic interpretation of what people would develop
for self defense if the apocalypse came and all conventional weapons and technology were either destroyed or rendered useless.
The eSAG is built from common components that could be scoured from the sewer systems of the world's destroyed infrastructure.
You better grow a mustache