This is a collection of porno pictures. DO NOT DOWNLOAD THEM IF YOU HAVE _ANY_ OBJECTIONS TO _ANY_ KIND OF VISUAL IMAGERY!!! By downloading any of the following files you implicitly consent to take full responsibility for your actions, and further agree to hold everyone in the world innocent for ANY damage that may come from their existence. In other words: Keep the fuck out if you can't handle the responsibility! Unbelievable that there are "adults" that can't fucking handle responsiblity. These "children" at the university here are giving me so much shit that I'm going to nuke this section. May they rot in the pap that they produce.
some guy lifting a girl's shirt

close up of anal sex

vulval close-up

baton buttfuck

vertical shot of woman with a penis in her

Kathy Ireland (I think) squatting in some water, nekkid. Finally! A NON-fucking picture

same as above, but broken

a complete list of the pornographic files here

All productions here are copyright 1994 by Armadillo Communications.
Bran Muffin