The main thing that we must do in order to defeat the poisonous terrorists is to increase our defenses. First, we must determine whether a substance is malicious or not, to prevent confusion and sterotypes of all poison looking substances. This can be achieved through a substance that has been developed in house that dectects mal-ions and reacts accordingly.
Secondly, we must increase our resistance to poisons in case of a surprise attack. To do this, I have developed an organic system of dosing to build one's immunity
Above you can see the sensor rig that determined how much poison to give yourself every day. The poison dosage is based on the growth rate of the plant, and increases exponentially over time, untilyour resistance is such that you can take massive amounts of poison with no deterimental effects. The reason this is such a foolproof plan is that it adjusts based on the amount of energy the person using the system has. If they have lots of energy (i.e. the poison has no detrimental effects), they will be taking care of the plant quite well, and the growth rate will increase. If they have low energy, and the poison is taking its toll, then they will be bed ridden or hospitalized, unable to take care of the plant, and thus decreasing its growth rate.
Everyone should poison themselves, so the terrorists can never win.
For an explanation, to the kids, of why this is important, click here.
For a demonstration of ths sytem, click here.