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credits I would like to thank Michael Crampton for producing the video, and both Michael and Ryan Gibson for their invaluable advice on the aesthetic and philosophical content of the piece. In addition they helped with set-up for the presentation. Thanks also to Samantha Krukowski for the use of her sewing machine -- and to Ana Boa-Ventura and Samantha for input and support throughout the semester. bibliography Aldrich, Winifred (1996). Fabric, Form and Flat Pattern Cutting. Avery, Charles (1997). Bernini: Genius of the Baroque. Campbell, Joseph (1988). The Power of Myth. Dennett, Daniel (1991). Consciousness Explained. Harvey, Andrew (1996). The Essential Mystics. Latour, Bruno (1988). "Visualisation and Social Reproduction," in Picturing Power: Visual Depiction and Social Relations. Merton, Thomas (1961). New Seeds of Contemplation. Perlmutter, Dawn and Debra Koppman (1999). Reclaiming the Spiritual in Art. Petersson, Robert (1970). The art of ecstasy: Teresa, Bernini, and Crashaw. Petroff, Elizabeth (1994). Body and Soul: Essays on Medieval Women and Mysticism. Ramachandran, V.S. (1998). Phantoms in the Brain. St. Teresa of Avila. The Complete Works. E. Allison Peers, ed. and translator (1972). Taves, Ann (1999). Fits, Trances, and Visions. |