-project 1-
I had the idea for this project last semester, actually, but I was
never able to get around to doing it until this class. I was riding in
my car down to San Antonio when I saw a Wal-Mart truck with a bumper
sticker that read "Follow Me To Low Prices" and my mind instantly went
off. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not a huge fan of Wal-Mart by
any stretch of the imagination. At that point in time I had been doing
a lot of research into culture jamming and this lead me to think about
ways I could reappropriate this particular vehicle for advertising.
Basically, I wanted to produce a "Wal-Mart Sucks" type of propganda.
I made the bumper sticker in Photoshop with my
own text added to the Wal-Mart logo. It was printed on glossy card
stock so that it can be wheat pasted to a vehicle (if so desired). I of
course would never support such actions in a public domain, but if
these DIY bumper stickers make it to the backs of any Wal-Mart
transportation trucks then so be it. To me, Wal-Mart represents the
complete antithesis of postmodernity in the sense that Wal-Mart is a
shining example of rampant capitalism as well as being diametrically
opposed to egalitarianism.