Daniel's Sounds Page!
Click on one to hear a wonderful, exciting, wonderfully exciting sound!
***Audio Project
This is a warped version
of what a blade of grass would hear in any given day, that is, given that
grass can hear. In the event that you believe grass can not actually hear,
then imagine sitting very close to the ground. Everything ranging from kids laughing to car horns to planes to music with
weird effects to looping sounds to wind chimes. It's just a wonderful, joyful
sound experiment. Listen and Enjoy, or DIE! (You will not actually die.)
***Audio Project 2*** My attempt at producing a soundscape that would correspond with colors one would hear. Above the ground, I used sounds that conjured up a feeling a light colored feeling, mainly blue and white. After we hit the ground and go underwater, I used sounds that produced somewhat of a dark, mirky feel, like dark reds and almost black. It could be more of a personal thing since I can't make anyone see what I'm talking about. I used a couple Phish albums and a Beatles album. Usually the color of the album corresponds to how I perceive it, which was the case here with the White Album and Rift. Story of A Ghost by Phish always had sort of a dark feel to it as well. I thought of the sounds I wanted to use and then built it around the base of the songs.
***Final Project*** Have you ever wondered how great it would be to sail the oceans, or visit Mars, or climb to the top of some building or mountain or some shit like that? Well, that doesn't really matter. My final project was too damn big to put up here on the website, if you know what I mean. And if you do, you'd know that I meant the project was too large to put on the website, not some other overly excessively large object. I'll put the audio up though. Altogether, it's like 704Mb or something, which is just way too damn big and stuff. *Update*
After I resized it, it now takes up 380 something. Which is better, but still too damn big to put on the website. The audio however, is still there. So have you ever imagined many many things not in any particular order as some interesting person was spouting off some interesting stuff that somehow just doesn't hold your interest? Me too. Listen!
Fart Machine | There's nothing funnier than a well placed fart. Here is a wonderful collection of four distinct, yet mesmerizing farts, each in its own, unique way. |
Vacuum Cleaner | We all love the sound of a nice, loud, annoying vacuum cleaner. This is no exception. Listen for the groovy power down sound at the end, it's a kicker! |
Weird Guitar Thingy | This is a weird guitar thingy I recorded one evening under the influence of many drugs, and the wonderful, musical styling (crap) of Creed. Why is it that every time I turn on the TV, I have to subject myself to Creed until I can find the remote and change it? PS-I do not like Creed at all. P.S. I did not do this under the influence of drugs! |
Clock | This is the tick-tock of the clock in my parent's house in wonderful Spring, TX. I have been around it so much, that I have to actually try to hear it to hear it. It seems to have embedded itself into my brain, and any other inviting crevice imaginable! |
Laugh Tracks | This is a bunch of laugh tracks I found on the wonderful internet. Why is it whenever I type the word "internet" on Microsoft word, it underlines it, and when I click on the word, "internet," it says it should be "Internet" with a capital "I?" I find this very strange. Anywho, laugh tracks can be used for many things, so think of one, and use it! |
Fear & Loathing Sound | Here is a sound from a favorite movie of mine. It may seem like just a simple sentence, but the impact of committing many crimes, the least of which is drug use, can be one that lasts a lifetime. So kids, don't do drugs! |
Seymour Growls | All of the above descriptions ultimately end with a ! except for the very first one. Now, was this a subconscious decision on my part, maybe. Did I do it on purpose, no. By the way, or BTW for all those internet language savvy folk, here is the illustrious sound of...my parent's dog, Seymour, growling up a storm. He is the cutest dog in the entire world! |
Spring Wind Chimes | Here are my mom's wind chimes in my parent's backyard in wonderful Spring, TX, a quaint, dainty little suburb northwest of the most polluted and fattest city in the United States, Houston!!! |
Seymour Pants (not like the pants he wears, but rather, panting) | This is the sound, also from Spring, TX, of Seymour (the cutest dog in the world), after we had just walked him. He was exhausted from the 20 minutes he fought with the leash, and then the 36 second walk. Oh, what moments we weave in our withered ways of wayward walking with wondrous joy, and stuff. Enjoy! (My mom can be heard talking and doing various things in the background, but pay no attention to it, especially since I just told you not to, and I have no idea what the hell she's talking about). |
Water Bubbles | This is the sound of water bubbling. I will be using this and many similar sounds for the upcomingly due (if that is a phrase) sound project #2 (which coincidentally rhymed). I will not try to say anything other than that, as I believe that second sentence was mightily finely crafted. Do not get this confused with other types of water bubbles, usually created under the pretext of "a little extra gas," whatever that means. |
Underwater | This is a sound that makes you feel like you are underwater. Watch out! or you may drown because you really think that you are underwater. So don't listen to it for too long or you will choke and die. Not really! but use your imagination and stuff. |
Weird Noise | This is some weird varying tone weird noise tone of varying tones i found. It sounds very weird and sounds as weird as that first sentence made sense. |
Aooga | This is a sound I intend to use for m final sound project. This, with many other repetitive sounds will offer the listener a look into themselves and a way to reflect on all the atrocities...wait, no...it's just a neat sound I wish to use for my sound project. |
Chewing | Another sound I intend to use for my sound project. I wanted to exemplify the sound of someone chewing. We all chew, mostly when we eat, and sometimes I pay attention to how it sounds. It's hard to escape an incessant, persistent, never-ending chewing noise when it's all you can hear! |
Orgasm | A conglomeration of many orgasm sounds my friend in wonderful Spring, TX gave to me. I like to listen to these and eat ice cream and watch Wheel of Fortune...well, that's not important. But what is important is that YOU should listen to THESE orgasms. 40 seconds of orgasm fun! |
Squeaky Wheel | Here is the sound of something being pushed with a squeaky wheel that produces the exact same sound that a squeaky wheel would produce if it was being pushed with something that had a squeaky wheel and it made a squeak sound. Enjoy! |
Sgt. Pepper | This is from the very end of the best album in the world (besides Tenacious D. It's John Lennon and it's looped, and it's creepy. Enjoy! |
Squeaky Door | Keeping with the squeaky theme, here is a squeaky door. Isn't it squeak-a-rific?! Microsoft (C) Word said that I spelled squeak-a-rific wrong, but it looks okay to me. |
Weird Message | This is a weird ass message Cassie got a long time ago. We have no idea who the hell is talking or what she's talking about. It was rather strange, and still haunts us to this day. If you play it backwards, it says "paul is dead." (that was a lie) |
the 70's song | Some song I made up with a friend a long time ago. I wrote the chord part, he did the little notey part. I think we were in 9th grade. |
70's song screwy | The same 70's song, but with some weird effect on adobe premiere turned all the way up. multi-effect, or something. |
Two Sounds of the Virus - Fun with William S. Burroughs