Welcome to the Latinos and Media Project (LAMP) web site. The mission of this site is to:
![]() by Professor Federico Subervi |
The Latinos and Media web site was made possible thanks to a seed grant by the National Council of La Raza and the National Association of Hispanic Journalists. In fall 1997, the seed was planted and nourished at The University of Texas at Austin by Professor Federico Subervi and his students, who collaboratively work each spring and summer session to improve the contents of this web site. While the mission is to be inclusive and broad, the current content of the web site is limited because this is a new endeavor from which only the first fruits are now emerging. As the project grows, so will the materials that it provides. The site is divided into four main sections. Below is a summary of the content of these and their purpose. |
Journalism Award Winners is the showcase
section of this web site; it presents the Award Winning Latino Journalists.
Check it out for Latinos who have won Pulitzer, NAHJ, Sigma Delta Chi, NCLR
and other awards. For each of these awards, Latino winners' names, brief biographies,
and many of their respective prized stories are listed. These distinguished
journalists are listed in alphabetical order, by year they won an award, and
by selected categories of awards. This section's content should be valuable
for current or aspiring journalists seeking examples of distinguished journalism
work, or Latino role models in this field. In future updates, Latino journalists
who have won other prizes will also be featured.
This section guides your explorations for resources
and research related to Latinos and media. The featured component is the
Latinos and News Media Database,
which currently contains bibliographic listings and annotations of 263 items
that can be searched by author, title, source type, and topic. The Professors
section is another valuable resource, be it for networking or to take into consideration
as you ponder educational options. It lists the names, locations and e-mail
addresses of scholars conducting studies or teaching courses about this topic.
The third resource, which will be expanded on a regular basis, is the list of
web sites that may provide additional
information about Latinos and media. The research subsection provides synopses
of projects currently being conducted at The University of Texas at Austin.
The major research activities at this time are the studies related to mass
media and Latino politics, and the assessments of the images
of Latino children in Hollywood films.
In the Organizations section you will find
the road map to the web sites of professional organizations, media advocacy
organizations, and other advocacy organizations that deal in some form or fashion
with Latinos and media. Thus, if you are interested in connecting with working
Latino journalists, advertisers, or broadcasters, you'll find the names of their
respective organizations and web site links. If you would like to join one of
the groups that seeks to improve the image of Latinos in the media or honor
the best of the Latino performers, you will also find a list of such organizations
and their web site links in this section.
The Media section of the LAMP web site provides
a directory of the major Latino-oriented media in the United States and links
to the media business's respective web-sites. It is divided into sections covering
television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and web-zines, as well as media ancillaries
such as audio-visual producers, advertising agencies, marketing companies and
public relations firms.
The development of the Latinos and Media Project
welcomes your input. If you like what you see here, please tell others and share
with us your constructive feedback. Bring to our attention materials that could
be added, including other web sites that should be linked, to some section of
the LAMP web site. Also consider becoming a sponsor,
through scholarships and/or other forms of donations (by way of The Department
of Radio-TV-Film at the University of Texas at Austin) to assist the students
who make LAMP possible. Contact us at the Department of Radio TV Film, University
of Texas, Austin, TX 78712, (512) 471-6668, comments@latinosandmedia.org.
Please also visit our sponsors, the NAHJ and the NCLR.
This web site has been constructed thanks to the dedicated work of students
enrolled in Professor Subervi's Latinos and Media, Contemporary Issues of Latinos
and Media, and Independent Studies classes since spring 1997. To the all
of them, our sincerest appreciation.