Documentation for
Sub-Woofer Crossover
Real-Time Analysis with Pink Noise
An audio spectrum analyzer divides the input signal into third-octave segments and displays the amplitude for each segment. The vertical axis of the display was set at 3db per step.

Pink noise (for purposes here) is random sound energy which is generated with equal volume for all frequencies between 20Hz and 20kHz.

To make the measurements which resulted in these displays, I connected a pink noise generator to the inputs of the crossover.
Monaural Sub-Woofer Crossover: Center Frequency: 150Hz ; Slope: 18db/octave
The top image shows the sum of both outputs of the crossover; the middle image, the high-pass output (those frequencies above the crossover frequency), and the bottom image shows the low-pass output (frequencies below the crossover frequency).

Ideally, my crossover should have a flat response. I can correct at least some of the dip between 160 and 400Hz by moving the rolloff point of the high-pass filter lower. My main concern is about the anomaly around 50-70Hz from the high-pass filter. See the frequency response page for this ugly discovery.