Performing a gender not commonly thought "natural" to one's body is a transgression that exists within many other defining social categories. These other categories affect the way in which gender may be performed and the ways in which people may react to such performance, but rarely will they totally negate the transgressive nature of a good, solid, gender-fuck.

That being said, there is a fine line between the reality of our lived experiences as transgressive beings, and the ways in which the very nature of transgression as an idea helps to shape our existence and define our identities. It is only through the adoption of a transgressive identity that we can begin to build a language to describe the experiences of those who live outside certain social boundaries.

Through this somewhat limited understanding of transgressive community, more and more lines have been drawn by those within and those outside of communities that revolve around the idea of gender as a trans phenomenon. The projects on this site were designed to be ambiguous. Each work can be read in a multitude of ways, and serves as both a site of support and questioning of trans as an idea, a community, a way of being, and a sexual identity. These projects were developed with the intent of presenting questions rather than answers, and providing catalysts for discussion in an open-ended way. Direct questions can be sent to


The Texas Altar Boyz Union is a loosely constructed queer and gender variant art collective. Our members are filmakkers, photographers, screenprintes, painters, writers, sex experts, erotic fiction writers, performance artists and pretty much anything else they want to be. To order a t-shirt or offer ideas send an e-mail to

