Version 3.5.0 - 20th May 2010 ============================= 0. IMPORTANT: IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM VERSION 3.4.3 OR LOWER, FIRST GO TO THE "Upgrades" TAB IN THE OPTIONS AND MIGRATE!!! OTHERWISE YOUR OLD SETTINGS MIGHT NOT WORK AS EXPECTED. 0.5 IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM VERSION 3.0.2 OR LOWER, FIRST PERFORM THE 3.0.2 UPGRADE, THEN THE 3.4.3 UPGRADE. 1. Support for WP 3.0 Navigation Menus. 2. Added native tabbed sidebars. 3. Merged content of plugins.css with other files to reduce HTTP calls. 4. Fixed a bug that was causing a large font to appear in magazine style section headers. 5. Fixed a bug that was causing the JQuery Cycle JS to be included twice. 6. Adjusted font-sizes for headers and made them slightly smaller for content within posts. 7. Fixed a minor label alignment issue in the comments section. 8. New Chinese translation. Version 3.4.9 - 13th May 2010 ============================= 0. IMPORTANT: IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM VERSION 3.4.3 OR LOWER, FIRST GO TO THE "Upgrades" TAB IN THE OPTIONS AND MIGRATE!!! OTHERWISE YOUR OLD SETTINGS MIGHT NOT WORK AS EXPECTED. 0.5 IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM VERSION 3.0.2 OR LOWER, FIRST PERFORM THE 3.0.2 UPGRADE, THEN THE 3.4.3 UPGRADE. 1. Fixed a problem with the CDN JQuery script. Now the script is loaded only if you are not in the admin dashboard. 2. Changed font sizes to relative sizes for future enhancements. 3. Fixed a bug in the font selection, which was adding a "\" to the font name if it had spaces. 4. Theme skinning added for date icons. 5. Removed the "safe mode" check from the "Follow Me" widget loading. 6. Fixed dual loading of "rtl.css" for RTL language rendering. 7. Updated Arabic translation 8. Separated options page from functions.php 9. Added $hook_suffix to the options page loading, to reduce JS/CSS script overhead. 10. Replaced the classes assigned to a post to the output of the WP function post_class(). Users who have set a style for "sticky-post" will have to change it to "sticky". Version 3.4.8 - 29th Apr 2010 ============================= 0. IMPORTANT: IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM VERSION 3.4.3 OR LOWER, FIRST GO TO THE "Upgrades" TAB IN THE OPTIONS AND MIGRATE!!! OTHERWISE YOUR OLD SETTINGS MIGHT NOT WORK AS EXPECTED. 0.5 IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM VERSION 3.0.2 OR LOWER, FIRST PERFORM THE 3.0.2 UPGRADE, THEN THE 3.4.3 UPGRADE. 1. Fixed a bug in the options that was displaying escaped HTML entities. 2. Updated Swedish and Russian translations. Version 3.4.7 - 20th Apr 2010 ============================= 0. IMPORTANT: IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM VERSION 3.4.3 OR LOWER, FIRST GO TO THE "Upgrades" TAB IN THE OPTIONS AND MIGRATE!!! OTHERWISE YOUR OLD SETTINGS MIGHT NOT WORK AS EXPECTED. 0.5 IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM VERSION 3.0.2 OR LOWER, FIRST PERFORM THE 3.0.2 UPGRADE, THEN THE 3.4.3 UPGRADE. 1. Changed the default text for sliding panel "open" and "close" texts, as it was causing a conflict with some types of database encoding. 2. Fixed a bug in author template that was causing posts to repeat if the display type was set to "list". 3. Fixed a bug that was causing images to resize in the "No Sidebars" template. 4. New capability to use the CDN version of JQuery instead of WP's. 5. New capability to use the "Lite" version of the JQuery Cycle plugin for featured content. 6. Updated translations for Dutch and German (Sie). Version 3.4.6 - 09th Apr 2010 ============================= 0. IMPORTANT: IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM VERSION 3.4.3 OR LOWER, FIRST GO TO THE "Upgrades" TAB IN THE OPTIONS AND MIGRATE!!! OTHERWISE YOUR OLD SETTINGS MIGHT NOT WORK AS EXPECTED. 0.5 IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM VERSION 3.0.2 OR LOWER, FIRST PERFORM THE 3.0.2 UPGRADE, THEN THE 3.4.3 UPGRADE. 1. Major bug fix for category and menu drop-downs. During the code changes of 3.4.5 some functionality had inadvertently broken. This made it impossible to select 0 categories / pages in the main navigation bar. This has been fixed. 2. New skinning options - now the background color of posts can be controlled through the options menu. 3. Updated Norwegian translation. Version 3.4.5 - 07th Apr 2010 ============================= 0. IMPORTANT: IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM VERSION 3.4.3 OR LOWER, FIRST GO TO THE "Upgrades" TAB IN THE OPTIONS AND MIGRATE!!! OTHERWISE YOUR OLD SETTINGS MIGHT NOT WORK AS EXPECTED. 0.5 IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM VERSION 3.0.2 OR LOWER, FIRST PERFORM THE 3.0.2 UPGRADE, THEN THE 3.4.3 UPGRADE. 1. New template for "Page of Posts". 2. Massive code housekeeping: moved to a single array with all options instead of a database record for each option. 3. New capability to add rotating header background images. 4. Added action hook "suffusion_query_posts" for users to be able to modify the queries for each page. 5. Changed option category "Body Background Settings" to "Theme Skinning" 6. Added new options to "Theme Skinning", for wrapper background image. 7. Fixed a bug in the "Now Reading" templates that was showing "Tagged With:" even if there were no tags. 8. Fixed a bug in the translation for "X Responses to" in comments.php 9. New Belarussian translation, updated Greek, Russian and Norwegian translations. Version 3.4.3 - 28th Mar 2010 ============================= 1. A critical patch for some installations of the theme where the "Custom PHP Include" was causing the theme to break. 2. Updated German translation Version 3.4.2 - 26th Mar 2010 ============================= 1. Fixed a bug in the "Single Left, Single Right Sidebar" template that was failing to position the sidebars correctly 2. Added a "Custom PHP" option. Renamed the "Custom CSS, JavaScript & RSS" option to "Custom Includes" and added the Custom PHP to it. 3. Changed default versions of included JS files to "1.0" 4. Fixed XHTML validation in comment form. 5. Renamed "Excerpts / Full Contents" options section to "Layout: Excerpt / List / Tile / Full". Added option grouping to this section. 6. Added support for the "Zoom Crop" and "Quality" options in TimThumb image resizing (in "Layout: Excerpt / List / Tile / Full" section) 7. Added support for JQuery Cycle "sync" option in featured content. 8. Updated Dutch and French translations Version 3.4.1 - 23rd Mar 2010 ============================= 1. Added support for the "Now Reading" plugin. 2. Updated Swedish translation 3. Updated Spanish translation Version 3.4.0 - 15th Mar 2010 ============================= 1. Added capability to "unlink" pages in navigation bar. 2. Corrected description wording for "Sidebar 2" 3. Added "control switches" for pages, links and categories in the navigation bar. 4. Fixed a bug in the Author template that was preventing the author information from being displayed. 5. Fixed a backslash issue in tabbed sidebar titles and navigation bar tabs 6. New Italian translation. Version 3.3.9 - 10th Mar 2010 ============================= 1. Fixed error including rtl.css file. Apparently wp_head() automatically includes it, which was causing conflicts with the stylesheet loading sequence. 2. Fixed error with image width in no-sidebars.php template 3. Fixed a comment pagination bug that was highlighting the incorrect comment page and showing incorrect behavior for Older Comments and Newer Comments. 4. Added styling options for widgets in sliding panel 5. Added grouping for "Featured Content" in the options pages 6. Added compatibility for "SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam" plugin Version 3.3.8 - 03rd Mar 2010 ============================= 1. Fixed most RTL layout issues. One issue is remaining, with the main navigation bar being pushed outside the wrapper in IE6 and IE7. 2. Added code to order pages in ascending order for featured content 3. Updated Norwegian and Hebrew translations 4. Added code that will show categories for selection in the admin menus even if the category is blank. 5. Fixed a bug that was causing the bookmarks in the drop-down menu to ignore the "target" setting. 6. Introduced "grouping" in the options page for Custom CSS, JavaScript and RSS Version 3.3.7 - 26th Feb 2010 ============================= 1. Fixed a style issue for "Subscribe to Comments" plugin. 2. Introduced "grouping" into a few more option pages - Custom Emphasis Elements, Main Navigation Bar Setup, Top Navigation Bar Setup, Posts and Pages 3. Enabled WPML support for search capability, home link and category drop-down for the theme. 4. Added positioning support for category information, comment information, posted by and tags on pages and posts 5. New Hebrew and Russian translations. Minor correction to the German translation. Version 3.3.6 - 19th Feb 2010 ============================= 1. Added a "sliding panel" capability to Top Bar Right Widgets. 2. Added some "option grouping" in the administration screens 2. Fixed a bug that was hiding the top navigation bar if the header was not "open". 3. Fixed a bug in the Royal Blue theme where visited links upon hover were not getting the blue background. Version 3.3.5 - 17th Feb 2010 ============================= 1. Fixed an issue that was causing the Single Left Sidebar template and Single Right Sidebar template to misbehave when the blog had 2 sidebars 2. Custom image size was not working for the featured posts widget. This has been fixed. 3. New options for full-width header 4. New options for full-width main navigation bar Version 3.3.4 - 15th Feb 2010 ============================= 1. AdSense short-code bugs fixed 2. Thumbnail bug fixed for situations where the Post Thumbnail capability is being used. 3. Set the "Continue Reading" link to be in a span instead of a div 4. Changed the Twitter tweet icon from a "bullet" to a comment bubble 5. Fixed a sidebar positioning issue with the Single Left and Single Right sidebar template 6. New Estonian translation, thanks to Viljar Hera Version 3.3.3 - 12th Feb 2010 ============================= 1. Added widget area "Left Header Widgets" to left of main navigation bar. 2. Added "language_attributes()" call to header.php. 3. Added auto-resizing capability for images, so that they will not flow over the edges of posts. 4. Solved page "locking" issue in IE7 5. Removed the option "Enable Widget Area on right side of navigation bar". If you choose to hide the default search widget there, the widget area will automatically disappear. 6. Major bug fix for bug inadvertently introduced in 3.3.1 regarding sidebar templates. Version 3.3.1 - 11th Feb 2010 ============================= 1. Added capability to Export / Import theme settings. 2. Added widget areas to left and right of top navigation bar. 3. Changed the structuring of the Search widget, to omit the before_title and after_title tags if title is blank (earlier it was the opposite). 4. Positioning option for drop-down list in the top navigation bar. 5. Added code to not print a widget area if it has no contents. Version 3.3.0 - 09th Feb 2010 ============================= 1. Cleaned up code for different layout options 2. Mixed mode layout - you can have the top few posts shown with full content and the subsequent ones shown as excerpts / tiles / list 3. Fixed minor bugs in the "List" layout 4. Control to display tag description in single tag view. 5. Deprecated "Category Info in 'Display List' option", "Author Info in 'Display List' option" and "Tag Info in 'Display List' option". Use the controls in the individual templates for Category, Author and Tag instead 6. Updated Greek translation Version 3.2.8 - 08th Feb 2010 ============================= 1. Added an AdSense short code, "suffusion-adsense" 2. Added a short code for tag clouds, "suffusion-tag-cloud" 3. Corrected a docking boxes issue with new sidebar template layouts that was causing the sidebars to show without drag-and-drop enabled 4. New "Tiles layout" to go with pages on a magazine-based theme 5. Added "Order by Menu order" for pages in Featured Content 6. Updated translations for French and German (Du and Sie) Version 3.2.7 - 05th Feb 2010 ============================= 1. Added explicit Favicon support in the theme. 2. Fixed a bug that was causing the thumbnail container for excerpts to appear irrespective of the settings. 3. New display option, "Lists" in standard templates. 4. Fixed a "problem" with the "Follow Me" widget that caused an incompatibility with paranoid hosts (thanks Wim Scholtes!) Version 3.2.6 - 02nd Feb 2010 ============================= 1. New navigation bar added to the top of the page. Changes made to actions.php, functions.php, custom-styles.php and style sheets 2. Fixed a bug in custom-styles.php that wasn't passing the sidebar count parameter to get_widths. Change made to custom-styles.php 3. Customizable 404 content. Version 3.2.5 - 01st Feb 2010 ============================= 1. New page templates - Single Left Sidebar, Single Right Sidebar, Single Left and Single Right Sidebar, Double Left Sidebars, Double Right Sidebars 2. New short codes - suffusion-loginout (for wp_loginout), suffusion-register (for wp_register), suffusion-login-url (for wp_login_url) and suffusion-logout-url (for wp_logout_url) Version 3.2.4 - 28th Jan 2010 ============================= 1. Added short code support to text widgets 2. Added short code support to tabbed sidebar 3. Added short code support to footer 4. Fixed a link "target" bug in the navigation bar. 5. Added a new short code for displaying post information, [suffusion-the-post] Version 3.2.3 - 27th Jan 2010 ============================= 1. Fixed a bug that was causing the Category posts to show up as excerpts if the "main page" was set up to show excerpts 2. Fixed a bug that was not displaying featured images in full size 3. Fixed a bug that was causing the featured image slider to show up incorrectly. 4. Added WP 2.9 Post Thumbnail Support 5. Added WP 2.9 Excerpt length and "Read More" support. 6. Added "target" for bookmarks in dropdown menus. Version 3.2.2 - 22nd Jan 2010 ============================= 1. Modified TimThumb script to not execute the Unix shell call "file -bi" Version 3.2.1 - 22nd Jan 2010 ============================= 1. Modified image resizing to use TimThumb 2. Fixed a Twitter widget rendering bug, that was creating invalid markup if neither an icon nor a tagline were being selected 3. Fixed a W3C validation issue for featured posts 4. Fixed an alignment issue for the "Follow Me" widget in the "Right Header Widgets" Version 3.2.0 - 20th Jan 2010 ============================= 1. Fixed a small bug in the "Follow Me" widget where the default text for the email subscription wasn't showing up by default 2. Added a template for "All Bookmarks" 3. Minor fix for "author info" to include it before end of post instead of after end of content Version 3.1.9 - 19th Jan 2010 ============================= 1. Added "update available" capability to the admin panel 2. Added a short code called "suffusion-the-author", that can print almost all author-related information for a post. 3. Added capability to show an "About the author" section for posts / pages. 4. Added Social Network support for User Profiles for WP 2.9 enabled blogs. Version 3.1.8 - 16th Jan 2010 ============================= 1. Added options to show widgets in a "flattened" layout, in addition to the default "boxed" layout 2. Added a check for "safe mode" in PHP, that was throwing up an error on paranoid hosts. See for details. 3. Fixed a problem with IE7, where the "Edit" icon was showing up on singular views (single posts / pages) 4. Did some CSS optimization and reduced a lot of CSS from individual color schemes. 5. New Brazilian Portuguese translation Version 3.1.7 - 11th Jan 2010 ============================= 1. Fixed an incompatibility between the "Follow Me" widget and PHP 4. Version 3.1.6 - 9th Jan 2010 ============================ 1. Added a "Google Translator" widget. File added: suffusion-translator.php, changes to translation files 2. Added a "Follow Me" widget. File added: suffusion-subscription.php, changes to translation files 3. Fixed a layout bug in the default first sidebar, where widget headers were not defined in the JQuery compatible format. File changed: sidebar.php 4. Fixed a bug in the SEO mode, where the SEO options were getting displayed even if not selected. File changed: actions.php 5. Search button icons were showing with a dull gray background in IE6. This has been fixed. All color-specific CSS files have been changed. 6. Modified the CSS loading order to ensure that style.css is loaded in parallel with the other CSS files to make the loads happen faster 7. Added options to control delay and the fade-in effect in the drop-down menu 8. Restructured the approach to handling JS calls 9. New Greek Translation 10. Fixed a bug for IE6, where the home icon in the navigation bar was causing the line below the navigation bar to shift down. 11. Fixed an IE6 and IE7 bug that was causing a sidebar on the left to have no right margin Version 3.1.5 - 2nd Jan 2010 ============================ 1. Added "hover delay" support for navigation menu 2. Added option to include static "Links" in navigation menu 3. Added support for "My Category Order" and "My Link Order" plugins to reorder categories and links 4. Fixed a bug for IE6, where links at the third level in the navigation menu wouldn't go to the correct page 5. Consolidated smaller JS files into a single large one 6. Fixed a bug that was breaking the layout for password-protected posts/pages 7. Rounded corners for drop-down menus (Firefox, Chrome and Safari only) 8. Fixed a WPML compatibility issue where the drop-down menus wouldn't display for non-default languages 9. Fixed a WPML language-selector rendering issue in the header widgets. 10. Added option to set tab order in a tabbed sidebar (Suffusion Theme Options -> Tabbed Sidebar). 11. Added default files for date archives and tags (date.php and tag.php) 12. Redesigned the options menu by structuring it differently. 13. Added SEO options for customization 14. Added "Select All" and "Select None" buttons to all multi-select lists in the options page 15. Added a sorter to place links before categories or pages in the navigation bar 16. Moved code from slider-init.php to featured-posts.php to avoid "500 Internal Server Error" 17. Changed default settings in options menu for navigation bar. All pages and all categories are selected by default, pages are displayed "rolled-up" by default. 18. Fixed an incompatibility between WP 2.9 and the Twitter widget 19. Streamlined the Twitter widget options 20. New translations for Norwegian Bokmaal (nb_NO) and a Sie version for German (de_DE-sie) 21. Fixed a bug that was causing the home page to be displayed in the featured content if the home page was a static page. Version 3.1.0 - 21st Dec 2009 ============================ 1. IMPORTANT: IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM VERSION 3.0.2 OR LOWER, FIRST GO TO THE "Upgrades" TAB IN THE OPTIONS AND MIGRATE!!! OTHERWISE YOUR OLD SETTINGS MIGHT NOT WORK AS EXPECTED. 2. Fixed a couple of bugs that were causing fields like "Featured Image" to be overwritten upon Quick Edit 3. Added extra styling option for category blocks 4. Removed "JQuery Fix" option, including the fix by default 5. Fixed a "WP-Recaptcha" compatibility issue Version 3.0.9 - 18th Dec 2009 ============================ 1. IMPORTANT: IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM VERSION 3.0.2 OR LOWER, FIRST GO TO THE "Upgrades" TAB IN THE OPTIONS AND MIGRATE!!! OTHERWISE YOUR OLD SETTINGS MIGHT NOT WORK AS EXPECTED. 2. Added option to show static featured content in static pages 3. Added option to limit the number of excerpts in the magazine template 4. Fixed a bug that was not highlighting the "Home" and the "Blog" pages in the navigation bar 5. Fixed a "navigation bar shifting" issue with non-Firefox browsers Version 3.0.8 - 16th Dec 2009 ============================ 1. IMPORTANT: IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM VERSION 3.0.2 OR LOWER, FIRST GO TO THE "Upgrades" TAB IN THE OPTIONS AND MIGRATE!!! OTHERWISE YOUR OLD SETTINGS MIGHT NOT WORK AS EXPECTED. 2. Introduced a widget to show Featured Posts. File added: suffusion-featured-posts.php 3. Patched an incompatibility with WPML SitePress plugin. 4. Fixed minor RTL bugs. 5. Added "latest posts" capability to the Featured Posts Version 3.0.7 - 11th Dec 2009 ============================ 1. IMPORTANT: IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM VERSION 3.0.2 OR LOWER, FIRST GO TO THE "Upgrades" TAB IN THE OPTIONS AND MIGRATE!!! OTHERWISE YOUR OLD SETTINGS MIGHT NOT WORK AS EXPECTED. 2. Fixed a bug that was causing children pages in the navigation bar to display even if not selected. 3. Fixed a bug in the Featured Content display where if no categories are selected it was showing all posts. Version 3.0.6 - 10th Dec 2009 ============================ 1. IMPORTANT: IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM VERSION 3.0.2 OR LOWER, FIRST GO TO THE "Upgrades" TAB IN THE OPTIONS AND MIGRATE!!! OTHERWISE YOUR OLD SETTINGS MIGHT NOT WORK AS EXPECTED. 2. Introduced a widget to show posts from a category 3. Fixed a bug in the Comments settings that was failing to block the "Comments Closed" message. 4. Added an option to block the "Comments Closed" message on posts. Version 3.0.5 - 4th Dec 2009 ============================ 1. IMPORTANT: IF YOU ARE UPGRADING, FIRST GO TO THE "Upgrades" TAB IN THE OPTIONS AND MIGRATE!!! OTHERWISE YOUR OLD SETTINGS MIGHT NOT WORK AS EXPECTED. 2. Did a lot of code optimization, causing massive reduction in the number of database queries. Files modified: functions.php, actions.php, featured-posts.php, magazine.php 3. Fixed a bug in the Magazine layout that was showing excerpts incorrectly. 4. Reorganized the widget code and made it more structured. 5. Made SEO enhancements to the theme. Version 3.0.2 - 30th Nov 2009 ============================= 1. Added more features to Tabbed Sidebars. You can now have upto 10 custom tabs, each of which is like a Text widget. File modified: sidebar-tabs.php 2. Fixed some IE6 look-and-feel issues. File modified: ie-fix.css 3. Fixed some RTL language layout issues. File modified: rtl.css 4. Fixed the layout problems for widgets without titles. Files modified: functions.php and actions.php. Version 3.0.0 - 25th Nov 2009 ============================= 1. Introduced a Magazine Layout. New file: magazine.php 2. Added controls for featured post image size. File modified: functions.php 3. Added an Arabic Translation 4. Provided the capability to turn off default widgets in the first sidebar. File modified: sidebar.php Version 2.6.5 - 18th Nov 2009 ============================= 1. Fixed some long-standing CSS bugs in IE6/IE7. Specifically in IE6, upon hover over the menu the entire drop-down tree would be shown (all levels). Now only the level immediately below is shown. For both IE6 and IE7, if the menu spanned two lines, the drop-down for an item in the first line got obscured by an item in the second line. Both of these have been fixed and are now working. Version 2.6.4 - 17th Nov 2009 ============================= 1. Fixed bug in "All Categories" template where the template name was missing from the file categories.php 2. Added page support for featured content. File modified: featured-posts.php Version 2.6.3 - 16th Nov 2009 ============================= 1. Added RTL language support (experimental). File modified: actions.php, rtl.css 2. Fixed bug in admin screens, where featured categories were not being saved. File modified: functions.php 3. Fixed bug in plugin support, where plugins.css was not being included in the page header. File modified: actions.php Version 2.6.2 - 13th Nov 2009 ============================= 1. Added category navigation to the Navigation Bar. File modified: functions.php 2. Fixed bug in Featured Posts. Earlier posts were being limited to number of posts per page. File modified: featured-posts.php 3. Added template for listing multiple categories in one page. File added: categories.php 4. Made individual page / post title SEO friendly. File modified: header.php 5. Added option to change wrapper background color (most frequently asked question) Version 2.6.0 - 08th Nov 2009 ============================= 1. Added tabbed sidebar functionality. Files modified: sidebar-tabs.php (new), sidebar-tabs.js (new), actions.php 2. Fixed backward compatibility issue with the theme. File modified: actions.php Version 2.5.3 - 31st Oct 2009 ============================= 1. Added comment pagination code. Files modified: comments.php, filters.php, theme-options.php and stylesheets 2. Made wrapper width customizable. Files modified: custom-styles.php and theme-options.php Version 2.5.2 - 29th Oct 2009 ============================= 1. Modified screenshot based on feedback from WP. No other changes Version 2.5.1 - 28th Oct 2009 ============================= 1. Fixed a bug in the DBX JavaScript inclusion logic. It was getting included on pages without sidebars too. 2. Started making design changes for supporting multiple widths.