Dangerous border violations. Transformation and change, boundary
theory, transgender, gender and sexuality in the large and its
relation to positionality and flow; identity.
How facts become and how things mean. Closure, multiplicity,
theories of discourse formation, studies and practices of
innovation, language.
Gothic: Monsters, desire, and epistemic
rupture. Theories and histories of the gothic, modern goth,
vampires, monsters and the monstrous, genetic engineering, gender
and sexuality, delirium, postmodernity, cyborgs.
Performance (Taking It to the Street): Practicum in culture hacking with a documentary component. Performance and the performative, performance as political intervention, history and theory of theatre, masks, puppetry, spectacle, ritual, street theatre.
Cultures Collide: Building multinational
virtual communities for purposes of social
transformation. Language and episteme, cultural difference,
subaltern discourses, orientalism, mestiza consciousness.
Soundscapes: Theory and practice
of audio installation, multitrack recording, history of
"music" (in the sense described by John
Cage). (Note: This course description is in the process of
being updated; please stand by.
Dream/Delirium: An exploration of the space between waking and dream states. Consciousness continuums and the creative discoveries that emerge from this space. Where do dreams end and realities begin?
Extreme Freestyle Hacking: Investigation of hacking as the political art of "detournement" in all facets of society. The way we modify things to make them to things they aren't supposed to do.
(please note, this text was modified and mangled from www.sandystone.com, old actlab sites and unknown sources that showed up late one night.)