abadieam: weird 2005s awd: weird? 2002f?, ./sound.html soundscapes? 2002f? hahmad: ? kronosomnio: ./dream dream 2007s, ./efh efh 2007s lucasa: FLASH girlrat: trans? 2007f hahaha: trans 2007f lebox: FLASH tarista: soundscapes 2008s spacemunkeez: ? HALFBROKEN "links are JavaScript-based and fail to work with keyboard access" searonson: collide 2003s HALFBROKEN "final project link is now dead" zacme: death 2006s teamrocket: ? adrie4: BROKEN laxoman: HALFBROKEN "almost like adrie4, but the links work" mack: convergent? 2001f? laxler: BROKEN pagoda: death 2006s? babbatron: 2007f? dbailey: weird 2005s? lizardbailey: 2005s nick: BROKEN? danouki: ? barbermg: weird 2005s? swanie: blackbox 2006f? bargerj: pomogoth 2005f lobo: ./soundscapes [./flash/soundscapes] soundscapes 2002s kb: soundscapes 2002s? rbaxter: disruptive 2008s kbazleh: ./hacking.html efh 2007s, ./dreamsanddelirium.html dream 2007s amanda: FLASH brooks: weird 2003f? mob87: trans? 2007f? grahambo: death 2006s? lindseylou: blackbox 2004f mnicolebernal: 2006f sebabisbal: ./dream dream 2007s, ./efh1 efh 2007s guion: ? boening: pomogoth 2006f righthandofdoom: weird 2003f jake: death 2006s? lilith: BROKEN boydcl: ./weirdsci/wsflash.html FLASH weird 2006s?, ./pomogoth pomogoth 2005f? joeboyette: [./convergent/convindex/classdescript.htm] convergent 2005s? mibriones1: [./projects.html] soundscapes 2008s? dbrenza: ? wearable: 2001s daphne: ? jnb338: trans? 2007f semioticguerrillawarfare: soundscapes 2008s riley: death 2006s? chrisbucheit: death 2004f? jbugle: dream? 2007 2007s? sbunton: BROKEN wburdette: soundscapes 2008s garbonzoj: ? kyleburke: blackbox 2006f? babydoll9248: weird 2003f ccsmanx: pomogoth 2005s ccannon: soundscapes 2008s dcaponio: soundscapes 2008s lcarroll: disruptive 2008s mcarroll: soundscapes? 2008s adriaanna: ? killingdrew: efh 2007s luluxa: weird 2006s bchamblee: dream 2007s jtc222: trans 2005s? chavez: trans 2004s? marclay: dream 2007s? jennyec: FLASH changcho: weird 2006s? bob: soundscapes? 2001f? dishwatercider: weird 2007f alcancer: soundscapes? 2001f? EXAMINE "equivalent to bob, perhaps" drbadass: efh 2007s steveandmike: ? cac2296: dream 2007s dzahsh: efh 2007s jcscraps: ? stephmc7: weird 2007f? camcooper: ? alxcope: ? ccorrea: disruptive 2008s eliotc: efh? 2007s techmex: BROKEN excess: ? dadamec: ./index_2.html ? patrickd: ./collide.html collide 2003f kfarrar: blackbox 2006f? maufrais: ? billkristol: ./weirdscience.html weird BROKEN, ./DT.html disruptive 2008s, ./soundscapes.html soundscapes 2008s defiant: ? stephendeiro: death 2004f? briand: ? blainofromplano: ? darkmenacefilms: pomogoth 2006 2006f? sarad1229: dream 2007s lebox: FLASH ilanadiamond: ? antera: 2000f? matt8120: soundscapes 2002s? mattdrenik: weird 2002f? tray: HALFBROKEN bigbadgerjohnny: 2007s? laced: dream 2007s michald: weird 2006s ken: ? drumbum: 2004s? pandora: FLASH SHOCKWAVE legsandarms: ./blackbox.html blackbox 2006f?, ./extreme.html efh 2007s eleanor: BROKEN? kelli: pomogoth 2005f? elysiane: ? schudog3: ? emscheer: ./index3.html trans 2004s? annenders: 2007 BROKEN? isrosemary: ./dtp1.html disruptive 2008s, ./sp1.html soundscapes 2008s chorn: death 2006s oneye: death 2006s fanch: ./blackbox blackbox 2004f, ./Weird weird 2005s, ./street street 2005f bohan: ? 2007 draig: ./files.html death 2006s, ./pomogothic/pomoindex.html pomogoth 2006f? cara: ? ferstenfeld: FLASH metabaron: efh 2007s flambot: pomogoth 2006f battink: weird 2005s? cjf283: ./DreamMemory/Home.html dream 2007s, ./technology/home.html disruptive 2008s BROKEN? dfried: "vision?" 2001s? spiralout987: dream 2007s eisbar: ? agallant: soundscapes 2008s? dbg243: soundscapes 2008s? juangarcia: blackbox jenean8: ./trans trans 2005s, ./performance street 2005f inspectorx5: FLASH garnett: ? garrenjb: ./index_blackbox.html blackbox 2006f, ./index_dream.html dream 2007s jade: FLASH "and very loud about it, too!" hogants: soundscapes 2002 geneve: NONCLASS? johnmg: ./Disruptive%20Tech.html disruptive 2008s, ./Soundscapes.html soundscapes 2008s dgilder: ./PrjActLab.html weird 2007f mgomez: disruptive 2008s mikeg: ? bgordon: soundscapes 2008s? nickgrant: weird 2007f serrano: ? sailor: ? ryangriffin: weird 2002f? john: weird 2003f? guerraj9: dream 2007s? jguil: pomogoth 2005f? snoogins-311: weird 2006s? deathwestern: ? shall: NONCLASS? declaired: disruptive 2008s, weird 2007f openmind: trans 2006s? BROKEN? shawkins: trans ? mark: efh 2007s jdhemeco: death 2004f? danh: ./Blackbox/blackbox.html blackbox 2006f, ./Weird/weird.html weird 2007f, ./Dream/dream.html dream 2007s, ./Soundscapes/soundscapes.html soundscapes 2008s, ./EFH/efh.html efh 2007s twistedbody: ? dean: ? theposterkid: trans 2005s bygatz: efh 2007s mymisplacedpants: efh 2007s nestor: ? warnessa: trans? 2007f? watermelonsoup: pomogoth 2006f? cholliday: ./pomogoth.html pomogoth 2006f?, ./death.html death 2006s dontlookimnaked: ./Projects.html dream 2007s jackiehopper: blackbox 2004f bloodsausage: ? sweet1mia: ./death.html death 2005f?, ./indexperformance.html street 2004f chrishubbert: ./death death 2006s, ./pomo/pomo/pomo_homepg.html pomogoth 2006f, ./disruptive/disruptive_index.html disruptive 2008s joshuahuck: [./intro.html] blackbox 2006f amber: ? gretel: ? kevojo: death 2005s? satori: ? furrymonkeyback: trans 2007f travis727: weird 2006s? billjacks: ? rexyroyal: FLASH jennifer: ./bbmainpage.html blackbox 2006f?, ./death/death.html 2006f? 2006s? jen8473: "body?" 2002s ljenkins: [./home.html] soundscapes 2008s stuart: ? boxclocke: weird 2006s virge: ./fall1.html street 2005f, "MSIE browser detect stupidity!" ./index2.htm ?, ./spring/index.html death 2006s rezonat0r: pomogoth 2004s? nestor: ? aak335: trans 2007f cowboyrasta: ? niten: "= cowboyrasta?" ? winmkt2: "AARGH, GOOGLE ANALYTICS", ./weirdscience weird 2006s "AARGH, NEW WINDOW", ./blackbox blackbox 2006f "AARGH, _INCONSISTENT_ NEW WINDOW", ./extremefreestylehacking efh 2007s jmulbe: blackbox 2004f? zachmorrisishot: ? randaddy: ./death.html death 2006s, ./fall05.html FLASH ulf: 1997 NONCLASS? mkaspar: 2002s? gokce: ./extreme.html efh 2007s, ./weird.html weird 2007f ljk: death 2004f? cuntbrother: trans 2004s nickirk84: weird 2006s? kiwi: ? charis: BROKEN? bknox123: BROKEN "Dead Webspace link! Fuck!" koganite: [./Page1.htm] dream 2007s? skruger: trans? 2007f? akumar: soundscapes 2008s kuryakca: death 2006s? kdogg: "This site was built with the NetObjects Fusion 5.0 Trial; Download your FREE trial today!" ? kyle: 2002s? soundscapes? klafevers: FLASH lateralan: efh 2007s rll1980: weird 2005s? thestrikingviking: pomogoth 2006f? suzanne: ? bjlandry: "Idiocy." BROKEN? saralu: pomogoth 2006f? bailey: FLASH "and a JavaScript detector that does a redirect" sherryanne: trans 2005s?, weird 2005s? ledden: [./weird] weird pkdreas: ./Wierd%20Science%2007.html weird 2007f, ./Soundscapes%2008.html soundscapes 2008s rwleung: trans 2007f alphabet: trans 2007f jvlink: ./Dreams dream 2007s?, ./Performance street 2005f? dmania: ./Death death 2004f, ./TRANS trans 2005s kllglasses: 2001s? lloop: disruptive 2008s ludwigvan968: ./RTF331_Sound_Scapes soundscapes 2001f, ./RTF331_When_Cultures_Collide collide 2003f, ./pomo_goth pomogoth 2004s, ./RTF331_Death death 2004f, ./RTF331_Trans trans 2005s zloyd: 2008s? giggo: ./trans.htm trans 2005s?, ./home.html blackbox joseole: dream 2007s brad: NONCLASS? samanthap02: death 2006s? lveale: BROKEN spikewalker: death 2004f? mackerboo: trans 2007f? spartan: NONCLASS greg: ? magsig: ? jpm569: weird 2007f clare: ./weirdhome.html weird jeremymal: death 2004f? "Argh." margot: 2002s? BROKEN brooker: 2004s? litlgirlblue: ./SoundClass/SoundClass.htm soundscapes 2002 aquariussuperstar: ./soundscapes soundscapes 2008s, ./weird_science weird 2007f jouko: NONCLASS milkdud: pomogoth 2006s? annievalentine: trans 2007f ratatatrat: ? pmccann: 2002f? mm444: vision 2001s? mmccutchen: soundscapes mcdonaldjt: weird diegovega: ? mckibben: ? jester: ? tmcpike: death 2004f? lindsaymeeks: FLASH kamron: FLASH whatcokes982: death 2006s? emendell: ./BlackBox_home.htm blackbox 2004f? FLASH, ./home.htm pomogoth 2004s? corelli: NONCLASS? kylemilner: ? ryanm: ? no1ofhere: efh 2007s damo: weird? jmorris: ? moschitto: pomogoth 2005f m4dd4wg: REDIRECT "meta, timed" http://www.infobong.com/ mattdrew: "dreamscapes?" 2001s? wicked: weird 2003f captain: NONCLASS supergrass00: trans 2006s? petmonster: weird 2005s? keith: weird 2005s? jyo: NONCLASS? zneeley: NONCLASS? amynelsen: blackbox 2006f? nelsonp: ? drumgurl98: [./page2.html] death 2004f? megaman: "Foo!" NONCLASS? han78: blackbox 2006f? rusty: ? shanny: death? 2006s? sorr: weird 2003f? racyoz: disruptive 2008s apang: NONCLASS pantin: REDIRECT http://www.anitapantin.net/ apapp: weird 2007f doubleparker: weird 2005s? rzo: ? bradley: ? colly: 2002 trans mikzap04: blackbox tessa: 2004 oldaccord: death 2004f? crypto: NONCLASS? julie03: ./weird weird 2005s, ./street street 2005f kristin: ? timothydalton: weird 2005s? kphilp: disruptive 2008s casey: ? lplunk: ? ginapolly: ? rossepowell: ? preatomic: ? wproto: weird 2005s? lpruitt: soundscapes 2008s apuchek: ./trans trans 2005s, ./pomogoth pomogoth 2005f, ./performance street 2005f akp84: weird 2006s? scottp: BROKEN ckeilah: NONCLASS weirdo: [./weirdscience.htm] weird 2005s araff: weird 2006s? ral2k1: ? destructivecreation: blackbox 2006f? allornothing: weird 2007f? pj: body 2002s pizzapotamus: ? raymond: ? creed: soundscapes 2008s clark: NONCLASS? vreed: NONCLASS? MOVED http://www.bioapparat.com/ mreese: disruptive 2008s BROKEN? coryphella: dream 2007s jsr377: pomogoth 2005f? markbrendo: NONCLASS renerhi: weird 2005s? BROKEN? chryssa: pomogoth 2005f sricher: BROKEN? roma: ? lriedel: disruptive 2008s fernando: "`Sitename.com by Free Css Templates` indeed." 2007f? spiffy: ./performance.html street 2006s?, ./death.html death 2006s? robbsr: ? ickymuffin: weird 2003, collide, weird 2002, pomogoth, soundscapes? "FTP link to www.cm.aces.utexas.edu that miraculously still works" croberson: ? robertson: FLASH "and frames!" robocop: NONCLASS? byrne: ? angelarodela: trans 2005s enemyboy: weird? street? rogershhr: ? aviva: NONCLASS felix: NONCLASS? rtf331t: NONCLASS "ironically enough" bobo: [./projects.html] pomogoth 2005f? srubenf: ./WeirdScience/Weird.html weird, ./Disruptive/Disruptiveindex.html disruptive 2008s? wrussell: weird 2004s? domenicaruta: trans 2007f? keef: dream 2007s, ? bjruttenberg: death 2006s moxxycat: ? csakon: weird 2002f jackies: weird 2002f das87: ? samash76082: ? prisample: disruptive 2008s pants: weird? 2002? saturday: NONCLASS? ccseab: weird 2006s? taylor: pomogoth 2005f juliashackelford: ../~julia pomogoth 2005 2005f? "Hmm! Should merge these two accounts if they're not already the same.", ./d&dmain.html dream 2007s ors64: trans 2007f katshan: ./performance.htm street 2005f, ./death.htm death 2006s? colleen: FLASH ahromantic: NONCLASS? blueeyedbella: dream FLASH nicksherrod: pomogoth 2005f? cody: 2005f? siegel: 2002f siddarthvader: pomogoth 2006f whatever: FLASH discoman: MOVED? josie: trans 2007f mosessmith: weird 2005s? "Common Lisp! Oh boy!" meatbeats: soundscapes 2008s stephazile: pomogoth 2006f chelsea: vision 2001s shannons: ? maciek: ? esolis: blackbox 2006f? msorley: trans 2005s? quickie: pomogoth 2004s? spazfoot: NONCLASS? chicagoninja4: ./deathpage.html death 2006s? stanigar: ? aimy: ./trans07.html trans 2007f, ./disruptive08.html disruptive 2008s adamguy: ./blackboxpage.htm blackbox 2004f, ./deathpage.htm death 2004f, ./public_html_goth/index.html pomogoth 2004s, ./public_html/Science.html weird 2003f, ./public_html/Cultures.htm collide 2003f g00nie9183: ./extremefreestylehacking.html efh 2007s, ./dreamanddelirium.html dream 2007s, ./soundscapes.html soundscapes 2008s, ./disruptivetechnologies.html disruptive 2008s matteo: 2003f? iamelectric: 2006f? lstidham: street 2005 sandy: REDIRECT http://sandystone.com/ loganst: weird? 2007f? unseelie: NONCLASS? sutermp: ? tamay: blackbox 2004f? tenaciousd: ./soundscape.htm soundscapes 2002f? ttang: ? brandontapp: FLASH taukinater: dream 2007s justinvtaylor: 2007f? robtay: efh 2007s texazi: NONCLASS? vivi: street 2005f mthies: schizo 2002f bat284: trans 2007f tylert: FLASH anuj: body? 2002s? lucky: ? tmward: ? toni: ./ws/index.html weird 2002f "other classes? Hmm." darcy: trans 2004s matttray: weird 2001s? trisnadi: NONCLASS srt287: dream 2007s goose: FLASH valeriet: ./dtindex.html disruptive 2008s, ./home.html trans 2007f michty: ./Pomo.htm pomogoth 2006f, "No link!" BROKEN soundscapes 2008s rogeruvalle: weird 2007f princess: ./Vision/Frameset-3.htm vision 2001u "yuk, more frames... and there's other classes, hmm." harish: ./trans.html trans 2004s?, ./gothic.html pomogoth 2004s?, "what the hell is 'enigma'?" prettyvalentino: trans? 2007f? kittkatt5: ./transpage.html trans 2004s?, ./PoMopage.html pomogoth 2004s?, "= harish?" charlesv: ./pomogoth pomogoth 2004s?, ./blackbox blackbox 2004f?, ./weirdscience weird 2005s?, ./trans trans 2005s? ooshieboo: pomogoth 2005f? boot: trans 2007f? jvincent: weird 2007f? nathanael: pomogoth 2004? wabba: NONCLASS horshak: NONCLASS? taryn: ./blackbox.htm blackbox 2004f?, "seem to be some other stuff here but I can't really find it well" mwalsh76: "Yuk, look at that ridiculous meta redirect" weird 2007f unicircles: ./dream dream 2007s, ./sound soundscapes 2008s mwerckle: ./pomo/trauma.htm pomogoth 2004s, ./index.htm trans 2004s? "Oof!" leslie: [./weird_projects.html] weird 2005s? twiethorn: ./2007 weird 2007f, ./2008 BROKEN? cwigington: soundscapes? 2008s? leslianne: ./death.html death 2004f, ./trans.html BROKEN! "Webspace! Eeeagh!" blanu: weird, blackbox, pomogoth ew4747: 2005f? ryanwilliams: ? "convergent media" bsw266: trans 2007f localoverground: ./death.html death 2006s?, ./efh/efh.html efh 2007s, ./performance.html street swilson: NONCLASS? katehalewood: trans 2007f whitless44: trans 2004s dinner: "convergent media" milsyobtaf: ./spring2004 pomogoth 2004s, ./fall2004 death 2004f, ./spring2005 weird 2005s breakdancer: trans 2005s? "A lot of 'convergent media study' stuff which I'm not sure how to classify. Is that a class?"