The Characters

One of Ancient Greece's greatest heroes, he is the son of King Aegeus of Athens. A very strong and clever young man, he has sworn to destroy the Minotaur in order to stop the ritual sacrifices of young Athenians every 4 years.

The Minotaur:
The offspring of Pasiphae, the wife of King Minos, and a bull; the Minotaur is a hideous beast with the head of a bull and the body of a man. He has the strength of a dozen men, and has a taste for human flesh. He lives as a prisoner in the Labyrinth, wandering the halls in search of his next meal.
The daughter of King Minos and Pasiphae, she is the Minotaurs half-sister. She is also in love with Theseus and vows to help him defeat the Minotaur if he will take her back to Athens as his wife.

The famous Greek architect and inventor. He designed the Labyrinth to house the Minotaur, but lost favor with King Minos and is now a resident of the Labyrinth along with his son, Icarus. Because he designed the Labyrinth, he knows it better than anyone else, and thus is safe from the Minotaur and the many other dangerrs of the Labyrinth. It is here, where he is planning his and his son's escape.

The son of Daedalus, he has been imprisoned in the Labyrinth along with his father. A mischievous youth, he is always getting into trouble, which is especially disconcerting to his father.