I already turned in my project. My project was the experiment we did a few weeks ago. If you chose to participate, it was the experience you had building a mysterious device from cryptic instructions towards unknown ends. If you chose not to participate, it was the barely contained chaos that was that class with Sandy lecturing as people were simultaneously working on this crazy project and Jerry kept fiddling with some strange electronics in the middle of the table. This shared experience is what I think the ACTLab is about and what this class is about. My project was in a sense the deconstruction of the conception of what a project is and is therefore not immediately understandable. This film explicates my project. It attempts to answer these questions: What exactly was my project again? What is the ACTLab? What does this have to do with class? What were we building that day anyway, and why? I think this film is best viewed as if you don't know anything about the project. Even if you participated you were not fully aware of what you were doing. Like the scientists whose work on theoretical partical physics eventually lead to the atomic bomb, you each solved your own problems ignorant of what you were creating. Let this film wash over you. Pay attention to the audio as much as the video. Look for the answers to the questions I posed. -- joybomb - ignorant of what they were creating like the builders of the atomic bomb, only in this case it was a joyous aparatus. attempting to assemble a mysterious device from cryptic instructions much as if you downloaded them from the Internet the results are shoddy. they are constructed in ignorance and thus not optimized for functionality. they are haphazard and put together with little care. this is irrelevant to synergetic geometry. a tetrahedron kite will fly. the science overcomes the craft, the knowledge, the intention. the idea of a project is deconstructed. the physical object is not important. this film is not the project. the project was the experience. the class made my project for me, both because they built the object, and because the class itself *was* the project. -- Added title cards for Jerry Chamkis - audio, and Music - "Deorbit Burn" and "Fortune as Glass" from http://thalassocracy.org/.