about the construction
This was quite an eclectic construction, using everything from a roof turbine, tamale steamer, racquetballs and CDs to canvas, acrylic paints, balsa wood, and chicken wire.
I started by tearing out the innards of the turbine with a Dremmel tool, supergluing and soldering it back into its frame so it could swing freely.
The canvas was stitched together and attached to long, flexible strips of balsa wood, finally banded together into a two-foot ring with about five inches of clearance between the turbine and the painting.
Chicken wire was used to secure the structure together, and it was hung from the ceiling by a tamale steamer that was dismantled and soldered back together.
Halogen accent lights illuminated the surfaces, and an old set of stage stairs allow the viewer to 'enter' the exhibit.