What it all means
I decided the outside of the box would become a sort of projection screen. I videotaped my next door neighbor playing one evening because she represents the child we all are in our parents' eyes. And that was one of the biggest frustrations of adolescence: the longing to be an adult, but the fact of the matter is you never really will be in your parents' eyes..
I took some slides of my home. There are certain images that stick out in my mind as to what my home is, and after doing some research on poetry that describes home, I took slides of things that make my home my home. I used to sit under the kitchen table and play with my sister with the pots and pans. My sister and I also used to run as fast as we could and jump up and try to hit the cord to the attic door. I still remember the day when I was big enough to jump and touch the cord. That day was years in the making. The reason I explored this home theme for one side of my project is because growing up, I had a very skewed image of the world and my only frame of reference was my home, whether that be my literal house, or also the region I grew up in, my family, etc.
The other two sides I collaged with diary papers. The diary representations are the heart and soul of teen angst. In Brazil, the term for teenager of adolescent is the translated equivalent of the English word., "crisis." In the "Crisis" stage of growing up, an adolescent feels as if the world is revolving around them. They are the center of the world and the trauma that occur in the teenagers world are world ending events.