"Words paint pictures that no painter could ever paint"

I suppose I did not realize the extent of the commitment I had to make in terms of my project proposal's October 1st deadline.  Never before have I come up with a last minute idea and then have to spend an entire semester musing over it and looking at it from all angles and facets and turning an idea into a creation, and inevitably the creation into a part of who I am.

In high school in a desperate attempt to define my individuality, that and my mother had finally given in to my endless pleas, I had permission to paint a mural on my bedroom walls.  I've always had a fascination with maps and I wanted to paint a map of the world on my walls.  In my mind it looked very accurate and was spread across all four walls creating an inside-out globe essentially, except that the globe was a cube.

My first and only attempt at creating this masterpiece was short lived and I decided it was "too hard" and instead recruited the efforts of a boyfriend at the time to paint a mural of cherubs on my wall (hey, it was trendy at the time, give me a break.)  But alas the short lived romance of high school and we broke up before he had finished the mural of the cherubs.  It was only after for four years the half done mural of cherubs was put out of its misery and my high school bedroom got turned into a home office.  So it goes...

Thus after a bit more background information than possibly necessary, I reveal to you the birth of my Vision project.  I decided to have another go at my high school inside-out cubic globe.  I made a model.  The image was extremely distorted (apparently centuries of study has been put into cartography and accurately portraying the round nature of a map on a flat surface. Who knew?), but after staring at it for longer than I care to admit, it began to speak to me and I saw how the distortion worked in my favor.  I came up with the idea to build this cubic globe in high school when in the midst of my adolescent crisis it almost goes without saying that I had a very distorted view of the world in which I was the center of. Therefore, I decided to explore the world of adolescence and build a cubic map which a person can get inside of and be in the center of the world.

