Welcome to the home of the (former) University of Texas DJ Club. We now stand united with all of the DJs in the state of Texas looking for exposure and excited new listeners for their full-lenth electronic mixes and productions.

DJ Profiles
We have an assortment of talented DJs working together to bring new dance music to communities across Texas from Dallas, to Austin, maybe even San Antonio??
Rob "The Chillmaster" Fancher*Dallas, TX*
That's me! I am the creator of this web site. I have been a fan of electronic dance music ever since they started letting me into dance clubs at age 17. I have been spinning records since age 18. I am now 25 and finally have reached the apex of my skills, as far as I can tell. I have played for about a dozen serious parties involving over 100 people. Dozens more smaller little "get togethers" gigs at my place after a big show late at night. DJing is my most passionate hobby, so who knows where it will lead me, in terms of a future career??

I was also a DJ for KVRX 91.7fm Austin Student Radio for 3.5 years. That's a long time on the FM dial! I hosted "The Chill Zone" on wednesday, thursday, and sometimes friday nights, once a week. We were lucky enough to have a huge assortment of DJs do guest DJ sets for one hour each week. It was a really rewarding expeirence.


Here are some of our most recent, featured mixes available for download:
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