=== SoundCloud Shortcode === Contributors: jowagener Donate link: http://soundcloud.com Tags: soundcloud, flash, player, shortcode, Requires at least: 2.5.0 Tested up to: 2.8.1 Stable tag: trunk The SoundCloud Shortcode plugin allows you to integrate a player widget from SoundCloud into your Wordpress Blog by using a Wordpress shortcodes. == Description == The SoundCloud Shortcode plugin allows you to easily integrate a player widget for a track, set or group from SoundCloud into your Wordpress Blog by using a Wordpress shortcode. Use it like that in your blog post: `[soundcloud]http://soundcloud.com/LINK_TO_TRACK_SET_OR_GROUP[/soundcloud]` It also supports these optional parameters: width, height and params. The "params" parameter will pass the given options on to the player widget. Our player accepts the following parameter options: * auto_play = (true or false) * show_comments = (true or false) * color = (color hex code) will paint the play button, waveform and selections in this color * theme_color = (color hex code) will set the background color Examples: `[soundcloud params="auto_play=true&show_comments=false"]http://soundcloud.com/forss/flickermood[/soundcloud]` Embed a track player which starts playing automaticly and won't show any comments. `[soundcloud params="color=33e040&theme_color=80e4a0"]http://soundcloud.com/forss/sets/live-4[/soundcloud]` Embeds a set player with a green theme. `[soundcloud height="150" width="250"]http://soundcloud.com/groups/experimental[/soundcloud]` Embeds a group player with 150px height and 250px width. When posting the standard soundcloud embed code, the plugin tries to replace it with a shortcode. == Installation == == Frequently Asked Questions == == Screenshots == 1. This is how the player looks like. == Changelog == = 1.0 = * First version