Little Eyes Are Watching is a student film project currently being developed by several members in Dr. Federico Subervi's (RTF 365) "Latinos in Media" at the University of Texas at Austin. As students of media studies and production, we are aware of the potential impact that Hollywood films have on shaping the public's perceptions of reality, including their perceptions of Latinos.

Our particular project focuses on the persistent negative representations (and sometimes lack of representations) of Latino children in Hollywood films. Specifically, we aim to produce a documentary that critically assesses those images. If successful, our documentary will help viewers examine not only how Latino children are portrayed in Hollywood films, but also how those portrayals can potentially affect both Latino and non-Latino children in the US.


-The dirty peasant
-The criminal
-The silent witness to crime
-Those requring white salvation
-Product of a dysfunctional family

Maria Gonima
major in convergent media
Digital Showcase Manager of the Austin Museum of Digital Art; volunteer for Cinematexas International; employee of 33 degrees; webmistress and lover of animals.

Angel Granados-
-27 years old; born in Oceanside, CA; recently moved from San Francisco;
-BA Human Relations / Organizational Psychology - Golden Gate University;
-applying to Masters of Fine Arts degree program in Film and Video Production at UT;
-interest in educational media, documentary, and docu-narrative film making; eventually wants to bring opportunities in media to underprivileged populations;
-background in art photography; enjoys fencing, car restoration, and flying

Jay Holzer
Senior, Radio Television and Film major; native Austinite;SXSW volunteer; wannabe musician.

Little Eyes Productions is actively seeking funding for Little Eyes Are Watching. If you or anyone you know may be interested in sponsoring our efforts please contact us.


Latin American Film Festival
Los Angeles Latino Film Festival
Miami Hispanic Film Festival

Coming soon...