The Scientific Method: Terrorist Alert Ring
Observations: Increasing tensions in world politics, a global community forming and growing more volatile, which leaves so-called “everyday” citizens susceptible to the dangers of backlash from terrorist organizations that seek to achieve their purpose through radical actions. Are we getting enough immediate information of the status of these possible attacks? No!
Hypothesize: There are currently weekly terrorist alert warnings on the form of a color scale released by the Department of Homeland Security which air on cable news networks.
The Terrorist Alert Color Scale:
Green: Low Risk of Terrorist Attacks
Blue: Guarded (Medium) Risk
Yellow: Elevated-Significant Risk
Orange: High Risk
Red: Severe Risk of Terrorist Attacks
The problem with this system is the immediacy in which the public is informed of possible terrorist threats. Their only access to this alert system is through the various cable news networks, networks not everybody has access to. Another problem with this system is the ambiguousness and arbitrary order and message of the color scheme. People are unsure what is required of them and how panicked they need to be in order to ensure that they are good. Patriotic, god-fearing citizens.
What we propose is a special ring. The ring is worn by the user, and displays one of five color and the necessary precautions that the user should take. The ring contains a nanocomputer, which receives radio signals from Homeland Security transmitting which terror level you should be at. The ring then displays different colors corresponding to the appropriate threat level.
Terrorist Alert Ring Color Code:
Dark Purple: Low risk of terrorist attack, keep an eye on all foreigners.
Blue: Mild risk, stock up on Winchester 12 gauge shells
Yellow: Medium risk, purchase copious amounts of duct tape and gas masks
Orange: High risk, Invest in 300,000 SP Sunscreen
Red: Severe risk, WWIII, accept Jesus Christ into your heart, Hasta la vista, everybody!
Predict: With this device people will know immediately of possible threats to their lives and the lives of their pets, and just how panicked they should be.