Death Project 1:
The Relatives



This project is a short animated movie. It is inspired by a conversation between my great uncle and his daughter. Much of the dialogue is taken directly out of their conversation or at least my memory of it. I did the drawings in pencil to get an idea of what I am going to draw. Then when I got something I liked I outlined it with a sharpie then colored it in with a kind of chalky pastel. Then I scanned them into the computer. On the computer I used Adobe After Effects to make it into an animation. I would make a video of an action, like Joe walking across the room, and then take that video and put it on the background and move it around. I then recorded the dialogue and put it in. After that I make the mouth animations by drawing the mouths and then putting them over the dialogue in Final Cut.


What I learned


I learned that Adobe After Effect is not a program for animation. There are better programs out there. I also learned to back up your files as much as you can since I lost most of them halfway through and couldn’t backtrack when I needed to.

The Project itself