Death Project 2:
Pictures Frame



For this project I wanted to make some kind of art out of the picture of my Grandmother. This is the only picture that I wanted of her after she died. We are both in it, but there is a fold down the middle that separates the two of us. She didn’t want to see herself so she did that to it. So I wanted to project to put more emphasis on the fold. I thought of a wall and how pictures always stay on the wall so I wanted to go off of that too. So what I pictured was a wall with a crack in it that matches the fold. At first I wanted to make a painting with the picture in the middle but then I thought why not use a real wall. So I got a piece of a dry wall and cracked it and then glued it back together. Then I put the picture on it and painted it. After that I wanted to make the wall look older so I sanded it, pounded it and poured coke on it.


What I learned


I learned that the presentation is half the battle. I didn’t present it well, mostly because I just didn’t think about it. I should have said that wall was from my grandmother’s house but didn’t. I didn’t hang it up just held it up. And I shot right through it.

The project itself