Random Sounds


boat.mp3 A boat getting into the water. Im scared of water for some reason.
clap.mp3 clapping in a room. I feel like ive done something magical and people are clapping for me.
flush.mp3 flushing the toilet. I wanted to insert something we do on a daily basis.
loony tunes.mp3 the LOONEY TOONS THEME!!! I love cartoons, and looney toons have always been my favorite. GO WB!
yawn.mp3 yaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwnnn! this is what i want to do when class is getting boring, thought id have this for fun.
keys.mp3 keys jiggling. Kyle inspired me on this one, if he can do keys, i can do keys.
cardoor.mp3 car door closing! Another daily happening...we do this on a normal basis.
rain.mp3 aaah the comforting sound of raiN! I cannot have a journal without including the sound of rain, its just wonderful, i can even smell this sound.
wolfhowl.mp3 oOOOoooOWWwwww! I had just watched silver bullet,thought id put this in.
alarmclock.mp3 my annoying and even more annoying alarm clock :| I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT, i wish i could break it, i wanna make all you people hear what i wake up to.
frisky.mp3 fat bastard saying getting frisky are we?..from austin powers :) I had to include it, pure AP fan
bbdork.mp3 beavus and butthead, i love this show...what a dork uhuhuhuh. I can relate to Butthead.
cornholio.mp3 beavus's famous cornholio line! One of my favorite lines ever.
minime.mp3 austin powers! i shall call him mini me. Another one of my favorite lines.
cop.mp3 police car ! vrooooM! I get a sense of color out of this sound, it goes with the concept of synthesia
realword lawrence fishburne in the Matrix one of my favorite movies, saying welcome to the real world. this line makes me think about life itself..and i just go crazy
darthbreathe dart vader from star wars..i think this is one of the most important sounds in history of sounds
R2 another star wars sound, i also think this is another one of the most important sounds in the history of sound
sayprayr going with my warner brothers thing...yosimite sam, sayin stuff to bugs bunny...this is probably what i remember the most when i think of cartoons
vacuum.mp3 my trusty vaccuum cleaner :)