Century Gods: A Coloring Book
was, and is still, an enigma to me. This first project was
created before I had much of a grasp at all on the concept of
"blackboxing". However, I do believe that it stands up to the
theory. The idea of a "god" is a fairly blackboxed concept.
The most widely known definitions deal in the realm of the
supernatural, a being worshipped and believed in by many people, and
someone or something that has other-worldly powers. Nothing
new. And my project doesn't much stray from these
definitions. Money, religion, the open road...they all have
powers that no one can explain and they rule many lives. And now
you can make them any color you want. Who's got the power now?
"Evolution" (in
three steps)

I got along to this project, I began to understand a little more.
We talked a bit about the concept of evolution in one of our class
meetings and, like a good college student, I began thinking in my
sometimes random web of thought. "Evolution," I thought, "That
rhymes with 'revolution', and that rhymes with 'devolution'".
Interesting, I know, but this all got me thinking about my linguistics
class that I had taken one of the previous semesters. In that
class we talked about the origin of many words, and I learned that,
more often than not, it's no coincidence when different words are very
similar in spelling and pronunciation. Usually they all toe the
lines of the same concept. So I looked up the definitions.
Evolution happens when something changes through a gradual process,
usually into a better form. Revolution is the overthrow or
thorough replacement of the body in power, and devolution is when the
central body of power delegates authority to its subordinates.
Abstractly, this all screamed to me what has been going on with nature
and mankind. To me, nature is the central body of power and it
has devolved some of its authorities to us, but instead of evolving
into better beings, we have revolted. With the ability to clone
and manipulate nature to such an extreme, a revolution seemed to me the
best way to describe it. So the gorilla is my mother nature and
she is pregnant with a beautiful world. Little does she know that
the little humans inside have a revolution in mind, complete with bombs
and test tube babies.
third project is more about closing some of my own blackboxes. I
am a film student, yet know very little about the process of making
videos. I did it once, but was babied along the way. I
needed to do this on my own. I've watched many of my classmates'
videos in this class and was blown away by many, and I wanted to know
how they did it. So, step one was a little daydreaming to come up
with the concept. My friend, Jesse Kammerdiener, is a very
talented musician and I was
listening to one of his recordings while riding the bus home from
school. I daydreamed an animation, halfway dancing, halfway just
bumbling around, to his song. Step two, I got home and went
straight to the computer to see what I could do. I made some
drawings in Paint and uploaded them to some video editing software that
came with my digital camera. Next came about 5 hours of playing
around, stressing out, coming up with more ideas, all followed by an
ocular migraine. I knew I was doing something right.
Watching the animation over and over, I realized that this could be a
little more than my little dude dancing around. He's got his own
blackboxes he could be fooling around with. So that dumpster
there, that's his brain and all his cranial trash. It's tempting
and he's hungry and when he goes in there, he happens upon a tidbit of
memory. It's distorting and emotional and when he pops out of his
mindtrap, it comes back to get him. Point is, don't open those
blackboxes unless you're not scared of being eaten by them. Bon