=== SEO Ultimate ===
Contributors: SEO Design Solutions
Tags: seo, SEO Ultimate, suite, google, yahoo, bing, search engines, admin, post, page, custom post types, categories, tags, terms, custom taxonomies, title, meta, robots, noindex, nofollow, canonical, 404, robots.txt, htaccess, slugs, url, anchor, more, link, excerpt, permalink, links, autolinks, code, footer, modules, uninstallable, reinstallable, downgradable, import, export, CSV, affiliate
Requires at least: 2.8
Tested up to: 3.0
Stable tag: 4.7.1
This all-in-one SEO plugin gives you control over title tags, noindex, meta tags, slugs, canonical, autolinks, 404 errors, rich snippets, and more.
== Description ==
= Recent Releases =
* Version 4.7 adds the Link Mask Generator module
* Version 4.6 adds a meta keywords mass-editor
* Version 4.5 adds bugfixes
* Version 4.4 adds a new field for entering sitewide meta keywords
* Version 4.3 adds the ability to use the post's excerpt as its default meta description
= Features =
SEO Ultimate is an all-in-one [SEO](http://www.seodesignsolutions.com/) plugin with these powerful features:
* **Title Tag Rewriter**
* Out-of-the-box functionality puts your post titles at the beginning of the `
` tag for improved keyword SEO.
* Easily override the entire `` tag contents for any individual post, page, attachment, category, or post tag on your blog. Also supports custom post types.
* Customize your homepage's `` tag.
* Format the `` tags of posts, pages, categories, tags, archives, search results, and more!
* **Meta Description Editor** -- UPDATED in Version 4.3
* Edit the `` description tags for posts, pages, and the homepage.
* Increase SERP clickthrough rates by influence search engine result snippets.
* Mass-editor makes it a cinch to go back and add descriptions to old posts.
* **Meta Keywords Editor** -- UPDATED in Version 4.6
* Edit the `` keyword tags for posts, pages, and the homepage.
* Easily specify global keywords that are applied across the entire site.
* Go back and edit old posts' keywords with the mass-editor.
* **Meta Robot Tags Editor**
* Add the `` tag to archives, comment feeds, the login page, and more.
* Set meta robots tags (index/noindex and follow/nofollow) for each individual post/page.
* Avoid duplicate content SEO issues with the recommended noindex settings (see built-in module documentation for details).
* Give instructions to search engine spiders if desired (`noodp`, `noydir`, and `noarchive`).
* **Canonicalizer**
* Point search engines to preferred content access points with `` SEO tags.
* Go beyond the basic canonical tag functionality of WordPress 2.9+ with SEO Ultimate's support for category/tag/date/author archives.
* Redirect requests for non-existent pagination with a simple checkbox.
* **404 Monitor**
* Improve the visiting experience of users and spiders by keeping tabs on "page not found" errors. (Use a redirection plugin to point dead-end URLs to your content.)
* Find out what URLs are referring visitors to 404 errors.
* The default settings hone in on the most important errors by only logging 404s that either have a referring URL or are generated by a search engine spider.
* If desired, ignore 404s generated from specific URLs or wildcard URL patterns.
* **Linkbox Inserter**
* Encourage natural linkbuilding activity by adding textboxes to the end of your posts/pages that contain automatically-generated link HTML.
* **File Editor**
* Implement advanced SEO strategies with the `.htaccess` editor.
* Give instructions to search engines via the `robots.txt` editor.
* **Slug Optimizer**
* Increase in-URL keyword potency by removing "filler words" (like "the," "with," "and," etc.) from post/page URLs.
* Lets you customize the "filler words" list as desired.
* **Competition Researcher**
* Investigate multiple keywords or URLs with quick access to search engine tools. Competition Researcher does this without illicit scraping/automation methods.
* Find out how many webpages are competing for the keywords you specify.
* Choose to analyze the keyword relevance in competing webpages' titles, body content, URLs, or anchor text.
* Find out how many pages of a competing website are in Google's index.
* Access competitors' incoming links profile.
* Find out what external websites your competitors are linking to.
* **More Link Customizer**
* SEO your posts' "read more" links by including the posts' keyword-rich titles in the anchor text.
* Override the "read more" link on a per-post basis.
* Include `` or `` tags in the anchor text if so desired.
* **Internal Relevance Researcher**
* Determine which of your webpages Google most strongly associates with the keywords you specify.
* Use the information to determine ideal targets for incoming links or ideal sources of outgoing links.
* **Deeplink Juggernaut**
* Automatically link phrases in your posts/pages to other posts/pages or to custom URLs.
* Exclude specific posts/pages from having links added to them, if desired (e.g. contact pages, the homepage, etc.).
* Use the power of anchor text to boost your internal ranking SEO paradigm.
* Control the maximum number of autolinks added to each post/page.
* Apply the nofollow attribute on a per-link basis. (Perfect for automatic affiliate links.)
* Import/export your links as CSV files.
* Create links pointing to draft posts that will auto-enable when the post is published!
* Build internal links to your posts from within the WordPress post editor!
* Use "Instant Post Propulsion" technology to automatically link your old posts to new ones.
* **Code Inserter**
* Easily insert custom HTML into your site's `` tag, footer, or item content.
* Use to add Google Analytics, Feedburner FeedFlare, Google AdSense section targeting, and other SEO/SEM-enhancing code snippets.
* Code remains even when switching themes.
* **Rich Snippet Creator**
* Easily add rich snippet code to your review posts.
* Attract more search traffic with eye-catching supplementary SERP data.
* Can add code to old review posts automatically.
* **Sharing Facilitator**
* Adds buttons that make it easy for visitors to share your content on social networking sites (thus building links to your site).
* Choose from either the ShareThis or the AddThis button.
* Unlike the official ShareThis plugin, SEO Ultimate doesn't require you to register at the ShareThis website before enabling the button -- just enable and go.
* **Webmaster Verification Assistant**
* Enter verification codes in the provided fields to access search engine webmaster tools.
* **Link Mask Generator**
* Lets you generate robots.txt-blocked "link masks" (e.g. `www.example.com/go/google/`) that pass-through to an external URL.
* Lets you mask links on a per-link, per-post basis so you can exert fine-tuned control over your posts' linkflow.
* Link masks provide a modern replacement for the deprecated, nofollow-based "PageRank Sculpting" technique.
* Perfect for affiliate marketers and SEO-savvy bloggers.
* **Settings Manager**
* Export your SEO Ultimate settings to a file and re-import later if desired.
* Move SEO Ultimate settings between blogs using the export/import functionality.
* Reset all settings back to "factory defaults" if something goes wrong.
* **Additional features**
* Lets you import post meta from All in One SEO Pack.
* Displays admin notices if blog privacy settings are configured to block search engines.
* Supports [WordPress plugin translation](http://urbangiraffe.com/articles/translating-wordpress-themes-and-plugins/). POT file is included in the zip file.
* SEO Ultimate documentation is seamlessly integrated into the contextual help system of WordPress 2.7+ and is accessible via the dropdowns in the upper-right-hand corner of the admin screen. In-depth info, explanations, and FAQ are just a click away.
* Unlike certain other SEO plugins, SEO Ultimate sports a clean, simple, aesthetically-pleasing interface, with no ads or donation nags.
* SEO Ultimate cleanly integrates itself into WordPress without plastering its name all over the interface.
* Includes icon integration with the WordPress 2.7+ menu and the Ozh Admin Drop Down Menu plugin.
* Uses WordPress plugin security features like nonces, etc.
* Includes an uninstaller that can delete the plugin's files and database entries if desired.
* Lets you upgrade/downgrade the plugin to versions of your choosing (starting with 2.5).
* **More Features In the Works**
There are many additional features in development. Install SEO Ultimate today and use WordPress's automatic plugin updater to get new features as they're released.
[**Download**](http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/seo-ultimate.zip) **your free copy of SEO Ultimate today.**
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IE_10_nwe0c]
== Installation ==
To install the plugin automatically:
1. Go to the [SEO Ultimate homepage](http://www.seodesignsolutions.com/wordpress-seo/)
2. In the "Auto Installer" box on the right, enter your blog's URL and click "Launch Installer."
3. Click "Install Now," then click "Activate this plugin."
That's it! Now go to the new "SEO" menu and explore the modules of the SEO Ultimate plugin.
To install the plugin manually:
1. Download and unzip the plugin.
2. Upload the `seo-ultimate` directory to `/wp-content/plugins/`.
3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= General FAQ =
* **Why "SEO Ultimate" instead of "Ultimate SEO"?**
Because "SEO Ultimate" works better as a brand name.
* **Where in WordPress does the plugin add itself?**
SEO Ultimate puts all its admin pages under a new "SEO" top-level menu. The only exception is the plugin settings page, which goes under `Settings > SEO Ultimate`.
* **Where's the documentation?**
SEO Ultimate's documentation is built into the plugin itself. Whenever you're viewing an SEO Ultimate page in your WordPress admin, you can click the "Help" tab in the upper-right-hand corner to view documentation for the area you're viewing.
* **How do I disable the attribution link?**
The attribution link is disabled by default. It only appears if you enable it. You can re-disable it the same place you enabled it: under `Settings > SEO Ultimate`.
* **How do I uninstall SEO Ultimate?**
1. Go to the `Settings > SEO Ultimate` admin page and click the "Uninstall" tab.
2. Click the "Uninstall Now" button and click "Yes" to confirm. SEO Ultimate's files and database entries will be deleted.
* **Will all my settings be deleted if I delete SEO Ultimate in the Plugins manager?**
No. Your settings will be retained unless you uninstall SEO Ultimate under `Settings > SEO Ultimate > Uninstall`.
* **Where is the Plugin Settings page?**
The plugin settings page is located under `Settings > SEO Ultimate`.
= "SEO Settings" box =
* **Where is the SEO Settings box located?**
The SEO Settings box is located on WordPress's post/page editor underneath the content area.
* **How do I disable the "SEO Settings" box in the post/page editors?**
Open the editor, click the "Screen Options" tab in the upper-right-hand corner, and uncheck the "SEO Settings" checkbox. Note that the box's visibility is a per-user preference.
* **Why did some of the textboxes disappear from the "SEO Settings" box?**
The "SEO Settings" fields are added by your modules. The "Title Tag" field is added by the Title Tag Rewriter module, the "Description" and "Keywords" fields are added by the Meta Editor module, etc. If you disable a module using the Module Manager, its fields in the "SEO Settings" box will be disabled too. You can re-enable the field in question by re-enabling the corresponding module.
= Module FAQ =
Frequently asked questions, settings help, and troubleshooting tips for SEO Ultimate's modules can be found by clicking the help tabs in the upper-right-hand corner of the module admin pages themselves. The same documentation can also be found in the `seo-ultimate/modules/documentation.txt` file of the SEO Ultimate download.
== Screenshots ==
1. The Module Manager lets you enable/disable SEO Ultimate features
2. The 404 Monitor log with "Screen Options" dropdown visible
3. The Canonicalizer module helps avoid duplicate content SEO issues
4. The Competition Researcher module
5. The Deeplink Juggernaut module
6. The File Editor module lets you edit your robots.txt and .htaccess files
7. The Internal Relevance Researcher module
8. The Linkbox Inserter module encourages natural linkbuilding activity
9. The Meta Editor module lets you edit important SEO data
10. The Noindex Manager module
11. The "Default Formats" tab of the Title Tag Rewriter module
12. The "Pages" tab of the Title Tag Rewriter module lets you edit Pages' tags
13. The "Categories" tab of the Title Tag Rewriter module lets you edit categories' tags
14. The "SEO Settings" box, which is visible on post & page editors
15. The SEO Ultimate menu
== Changelog ==
= Version 4.7.1 (December 30, 2010) =
* Bugfix: Editing link mask slugs now removes the old link mask instead of just adding a second one
* Bugfix: Link Mask Generator now runs before WordPress' canonical function in order to stop WordPress from overriding a link mask
= Version 4.7 (December 28, 2010) =
* Feature: Added the Link Mask Generator module
* Bugfix: More Link Customizer now fails silently if only 1 parameter is passed to the `the_content_more_link` filter.
* Bugfix: Fixed array_combine() errors by adding PHP4 back-compatibility function
= Version 4.6 (December 23, 2010) =
* Feature: Added meta keywords mass-editor for posts, pages, attachments, and custom post types
= Version 4.5.4 (December 22, 2010) =
* Bugfix: "New window" checkboxes now stay checked in Deeplink Juggernaut
* Bugfix: Fixed textdomain path
* Improvement: Post destination options in Deeplink Juggernaut are now sorted by title, making it easier to find the target post
= Version 4.5.3 (August 18, 2010) =
* Bugfix: A third fix for Deeplink Juggernaut URL-loss problem
= Version 4.5.2 (August 18, 2010) =
* Bugfix: A second fix for Deeplink Juggernaut URL-loss problem
= Version 4.5.1 (August 14, 2010) =
* Bugfix: Fix for Deeplink Juggernaut URL-loss problem (bug introduced in 3.9)
= Version 4.5 (August 13, 2010) =
* Improvement: SEO Ultimate now only saves database data when its settings are updated
* Bugfix: Fixed array_combine() error when importing CSV files
* Bugfix: Restored htaccess editing for non-multisite installations, fixing a feature regression introduced in version 3.9
* Bugfix: The "new window" option no longer checks itself by default in Deeplink Juggernaut
* Bugfix: Fixed conflict with the "Markdown for WordPress and bbPress" plugin
= Version 4.4 (August 7, 2010) =
* Feature: Added new "Global Keywords" textbox to Meta Keywords Editor, which allows sitewide keywords to be specified
* Improvement: Meta Keywords Editor now removes duplicate keywords from the meta keywords tag
* Improvement: Meta Keywords Editor now fixes keywords that are incorrectly separated with newlines instead of commas
* Improvement: Meta Keywords Editor now removes extra spaces from the keywords list
* Improvement: Title Tag Rewriter can now rewrite empty `` tags
* Bugfix: The SEO menu no longer doubles the alert count of modules
= Version 4.3 (August 6, 2010) =
* Feature: Added new meta description format field for posts (allows you to set a default post meta description incorporating the post's excerpt)
= Version 4.2 (August 5, 2010) =
* Feature: Users can now stop autolinks from being added to specific posts/pages
= Version 4.1 (August 4, 2010) =
* Feature: Title Tag Rewriter now automatically converts lowercase category/tag names into title case when used in title tags (can be adjusted under the new "Settings" tab of Title Tag Rewriter)
= Version 4.0.1 (August 3, 2010) =
* Improvement: Added admin page documentation for the Meta Description Editor, Meta Keywords Editor, Meta Robot Tags Editor, and Webmaster Verification Assistant modules
= Version 4.0 (August 3, 2010) =
* Feature: Added meta description mass-editor for posts, pages, attachments, and custom post types
* Change: Meta Editor has been split into four new modules: Meta Descriptions, Meta Keywords, Meta Robot Tags, and Webmaster Verification
* Change: The Noindex Manager module can now be found under new Meta Robot Tags module
* Improvement: When entire `` tags are entered instead of verification codes, the Webmaster Verification Assistant will now output the tag properly
= Version 3.9 (August 2, 2010) =
* Feature: Added "Instant Post Propulsion" feature to Deeplink Juggernaut (new "Incoming Autolink Anchors" postmeta field)
* Improvement: File Editor now limits .htaccess editing to super admins on multisite installations
* Improvement: Deeplink Juggernaut now gives priority to links with longer anchor text
* Improvement: Deeplink Juggernaut no longer links webpages to themselves
* Improvement: Deeplink Juggernaut's post/page dropdowns now include drafts; now you can build links to in-progress posts that automatically enable when the post is published!
* Improvement: When a post/page is sent to the trash, autolinks pointing to it no longer disappear from the Deeplink Juggernaut interface
* Improvement: Added a workaround for Firefox so that "Destination Type" dropdowns in Deeplink Juggernaut no longer get "stuck" on the incorrect value
* Improvement: Miscellaneous aesthetic changes
* Bugfix: Removed duplicate "title" attribute from "Deeplink Juggernaut" links
* Bugfix: Fixed bug that caused "New window" option to enable itself on Deeplink Juggernaut autolinks
* Bugfix: Contextual help dropdowns are now styled correctly in WordPress 3.0+
* Bugfix: Contextual help dropdowns no longer generate 404 errors in WordPress 3.0+
* Bugfix: Fixed invalid HTML in admin interface
* Bugfix: Fixed many warnings that appeared when WP_DEBUG was enabled
= Version 3.8 (July 30, 2010) =
* Feature: Deeplink Juggernaut can now link directly to posts/pages (and custom post types) in addition to arbitrary URLs
* Bugfix: Readded SEO Ultimate upgrade info to the `Dashboard > Updates` (or `Tools > Upgrade`) page, fixing a feature regression introduced in version 3.1
= Version 3.7.1 (July 1, 2010) =
* Bugfix: Fixed fatal error on editor screens for custom post types
= Version 3.7 (June 30, 2010) =
* Feature: "SEO Settings" box now added to editing screens for custom post types
* Bugfix: Fixed invalid HTML in the admin interfaces of Noindex Manager and Sharing Facilitator
= Version 3.6 (June 28, 2010) =
* Feature: Users can now set the maximum number of log entries that 404 Monitor will keep at a time
* Improvement: Fixed aesthetic issue that appeared in SEO Settings box under certain configurations
* Bugfix: Browsers will no longer jump to the top of the screen when expanding/collapsing the Referer/User Agent lists in 404 Monitor
* Bugfix: Fixed invalid HTML in the admin interface of 404 Monitor
* Bugfix: Fixed PHP4 error by removing usage of PHP5-only str_split function
= Version 3.5 (June 26, 2010) =
* Feature: Added the Sharing Facilitator module
* Feature: Rich Snippet Creator now supports half-star ratings (0.5, 1.5, 2.5, etc) for reviews
* Improvement: Removed unnecessary double-quotes from code
= Version 3.4.1 (June 25, 2010) =
* Bugfix: Fixed fatal error on 404 pages
* Bugfix: Fixed issue where 404 errors weren't being logged
= Version 3.4 (June 25, 2010) =
* Feature: 404 Monitor can now ignore specific URLs and/or wildcard URL patterns
* Bugfix: 404 Monitor no longer logs the same referer more than once
= Version 3.3 (June 24, 2010) =
* Feature: 404 Monitor can now be configured to only log 404 errors generated by search engine spiders and/or 404 errors with a referring URL (Note: this new configuration will be enabled automatically upon upgrading to version 3.3 or newer. You can adjust or disable this configuration on the Settings tab of 404 Monitor.)
= Version 3.2 (June 23, 2010) =
* Feature: Added CSV import/export for Deeplink Juggernaut
* Improvement: When installed on an old, unsupported version of WordPress, SEO Ultimate now presents a nice error message instead of crashing like most plugins do
* Bugfix: Fixed PHP error that would appear on Upgrade/Downgrade tabs upon WordPress API error
* Bugfix: Fixed SEO Ultimate settings importer
= Version 3.1 (June 22, 2010) =
* Feature: Deeplink Juggernaut now supports unlimited autolinks instead of just 20
* Feature: Deeplink Juggernaut now supports custom title attributes for autolinks
* Feature: Deeplink Juggernaut interface now has convenient checkboxes for deleting autolinks
* Feature: Deeplink Juggernaut autolinks can now open in new windows if desired
* Deeplink Juggernaut is now out of beta
* Improvement: SEO Ultimate upgrade notices now use official WordPress plugin API
* Bugfix: SEO Ultimate no longer slows down the "Plugins" admin page excessively
= Version 3.0 (June 19, 2010) =
* Feature: Added the Rich Snippet Creator module
* Change: "Title Rewriter" has been renamed to "Title Tag Rewriter" to clarify that the module edits `` tags, not post titles
= Version 2.9.1 (June 18, 2010) =
* Bugfix: Restored support for editing the title tags of categories/tags/terms in WordPress 3.0
= Version 2.9 (June 17, 2010) =
* Feature: Title Rewriter now has mass-editor tabs for custom taxonomies
* Feature: Title Rewriter mass-editors now support pagination
* Improvement: Upgrade/downgrade tabs now use official WordPress plugin API to obtain version info
= Version 2.8 (June 8, 2010) =
* Feature: Title Rewriter now has mass-editor tabs for custom post types
* Feature: Title Rewriter can now edit the title tags of attachments
* Improvement: Title Rewriter's mass-editors no longer display an empty table when no items of a particular type exist
= Version 2.7 (June 4, 2010) =
* Feature: Added Code Inserter module
* Change: Meta Editor's "Custom HTML Code" field is now the "`` Tag" field in the new Code Inserter module
= Version 2.6 (June 3, 2010) =
* Feature: Users can now reinstall a fresh copy of the plugin from within `Settings > SEO Ultimate > Reinstall` in case, for example, custom modifications go awry
= Version 2.5.1 (June 1, 2010) =
* Bugfix: Fixed "string offset" fatal error that appeared on certain setups
= Version 2.5 (June 1, 2010) =
* Feature: Users can now upgrade/downgrade SEO Ultimate to versions of their choosing starting with 2.5
* Bugfix: Fixed "string offset" fatal error that appeared on certain setups
= Version 2.4 (May 28, 2010) =
* Feature: Added nofollow option for Deeplink Juggernaut links
= Version 2.3 (May 26, 2010) =
* Feature: Meta robots tags (index/noindex and follow/nofollow) can now be set for each post or page via the "SEO Settings" box
* Behavior Change: Since the Noindex Manager's advertised functionality is controlling the "noindex" attribute only, its behavior has been changed to output "noindex,follow" where it previously outputted "noindex,nofollow"
= Version 2.2 (May 24, 2010) =
* Feature: Deeplink Juggernaut now has a links-per-post limiter option
* Bugfix: The current tab is now maintained when submitting a tabbed form twice in a row
* Bugfix: When a module page reloads after submitting a tabbed form, the screen no longer jumps part-way down the page
= Version 2.1.1 (May 19, 2010) =
* Bugfix: Fixed "get_table_name" fatal error that appeared when upgrading certain configurations
* Bugfix: Restored missing success/error messages for import/reset functions
= Version 2.1 (May 18, 2010) =
* Improvement: Major 404 Monitor upgrade, featuring a new space-saving interface redesign
* Improvement: 404 Monitor now stores its 404 log in wp_options instead of its own database table
* Improvement: 404 Monitor now ignores apple-touch-icon.png 404s
* Improvement: Plugin now silently ignores a missing readme.txt instead of giving error
* Improvement: CSS and JavaScript now exist in separate, static files instead of being outputted by PHP files
* Improvement: SEO Ultimate settings now remain when plugin files are deleted; settings can now be deleted through new "Uninstall" function under `Settings > SEO Ultimate > Uninstall`
* Improvement: Database usage for the Whitepapers module reduced more than 90%
* Improvement: Users can now tab from a post's HTML editor directly into the "SEO Settings" fields
* Improvement: Removed blank admin CSS/JS file references
* Improvement: Added list of active modules to SEO Ultimate's plugin page listing
* Improvement: Added an "Uninstall" link to SEO Ultimate's plugin page listing
* Improvement: Update info notices now also visible under `Tools > Upgrade`
* Improvement: Added some missing documentation
* Improvement: Added/updated screenshots
* Improvement: Removed unused code
* Improvement: Added blank index.php files to module directories to prevent indexing/snooping of directory listings
* Feature: You can now hide 404 Monitor columns with the new "Screen Options" dropdown
* Bugfix: Removed duplicate excerpt ellipses from Whitepapers module
* Known Issue: If you had previously disabled 404 Monitor in version 2.0 or earlier, it will re-enable itself when upgrading to version 2.1 or later. The workaround is to re-disable 404 Monitor from the Module Manager after upgrading.
= Version 2.0 (April 29, 2010) =
* Feature: Title Rewriter can now edit the title tags of post tag archives
= Version 1.9 (April 3, 2010) =
* Feature: Title Rewriter can now edit the title tags of category archives
= Version 1.8.3 (March 30, 2010) =
* Bugfix: Fixed bug that caused disabled attribution link to display under certain circumstances
= Version 1.8.2 (March 29, 2010) =
* Bugfix: Fixed front-end Deeplink Juggernaut error
= Version 1.8.1 (March 27, 2010) =
* Bugfix: Fixed back-end Deeplink Juggernaut error
= Version 1.8 (March 27, 2010) =
* Feature: Added Deeplink Juggernaut beta module
= Version 1.7.3 (March 11, 2010) =
* Bugfix: Fixed variable name conflict introduced in 1.7.1 that disabled WordPress's plugin/theme editors
= Version 1.7.2 (March 6, 2010) =
* Bugfix: Fixed blank-admin-area bug in WordPress 3.0 alpha
= Version 1.7.1 (February 27, 2010) =
* Bugfix: Fixed conflict with Flexibility theme
* Bugfix: Comment administration no longer alters SEO Ultimate menu bubble counters
* Bugfix: SEO Ultimate menu icon is no longer accidentally added to other plugins' menus
* Bugfix: Disabling visitor logging now disables all related code as well
* Bugfix: Module Manager: Fixed invalid HTML IDs
* Bugfix: Module Manager: Module titles are now consistent between enabled and disabled states
* Bugfix: Module Manager: The "Silenced" option no longer disappears when all modules that support it are disabled
* Bugfix: Module Manager: The "Plugin Settings" module link no longer breaks when re-enabling that module
* Improvement: Added blank index.php files to additional plugin directories
= Version 1.7 (February 20, 2010) =
* Feature: Displays admin notices if blog privacy settings are configured to block search engines
= Version 1.6 (January 30, 2010) =
* Feature: Added All in One SEO Pack importer module
= Version 1.5.3 (January 27, 2010) =
* Bugfix: Fixed "get_parent_module_key" fatal error that appeared under limited circumstances
* Bugfix: Fixed "load_rss" fatal error that appeared under some circumstances
* Bugfix: Fixed broken image in the Whitepapers module
= Version 1.5.2 (January 25, 2010) =
* Bugfix: Uninstallation now works when the plugin is deactivated
= Version 1.5.1 (January 23, 2010) =
* Bugfix: Stopped the included Markdown library from "helpfully" functioning as a WordPress plugin
* Bugfix: Fixed error that appeared above changelog notices
= Version 1.5 (January 23, 2010) =
* Major under-the-hood changes and improvements
* Feature: Added new {url_words} title format variable to Title Rewriter
* Bugfix: Fixed broken link in the "SEO Settings" contextual help dropdown
* Improvement: Module documentation now loaded directly from the readme file (eliminates duplication)
* Improvement: Much more documentation now available from within the plugin
* Improvement: Module Manager now only shows the "Silenced" option for applicable modules
* Improvement: Cleaned root folder (now includes only the readme, screenshots, plugin file, POT file, and blank index.php)
* Improvement: Reduced database usage when saving post meta
= Version 1.4.1 (January 11, 2010) =
* Compatibility: Meta Editor now supports the new Google Webmaster Tools verification code
= Version 1.4 (December 16, 2009) =
* Feature: Added the Internal Relevance Researcher
* Bugfix: Title Rewriter no longer rewrites XML `` tags in feeds
* Improvement: Copied all documentation to the readme.txt file
= Version 1.3 (November 13, 2009) =
* Feature: Added the More Link Customizer module
* Bugfix: Postmeta fields now handle HTML entities properly
* Improvement: Made minor tweaks to the Competition Researcher
= Version 1.2 (October 31, 2009) =
* Feature: Added the Competition Researcher module
= Version 1.1.2 (October 9, 2009) =
* Compatibility: Added PHP4 support
= Version 1.1.1 (October 8, 2009) =
* Bugfix: Fixed tab rendering bug
= Version 1.1 (October 7, 2009) =
* Feature: You can now mass-edit post/page titles from the Title Rewriter module
* Bugfix: Fixed logo background color in the Whitepapers module
* Improvement: Title Rewriter now supports 10 additional title format variables
* Improvement: Added internationalization support for admin menu notice numbers
* Improvement: Certain third-party plugin notices are now removed from SEO Ultimate's admin pages
= Version 1.0 (September 21, 2009) =
* Feature: Canonicalizer can now redirect requests for nonexistent pagination
* Feature: Visitor logging can now be disabled completely from the Plugin Settings page
* Feature: Logged visitor information can now be automatically deleted after a certain number of days
* Feature: Added icon support for the Ozh Admin Drop Down Menu plugin
* Bugfix: 404 Monitor notification count now consistent with new errors shown
* Improvement: Canonicalizer now removes the duplicate canonical tags produced by WordPress 2.9-rare
* Improvement: Inline changelogs now won't display if the Changelogger plugin is activated
* Improvement: SEO Ultimate now selectively logs visitors based on which modules are enabled
= Version 0.9.3 (August 1, 2009) =
* Bugfix: Optimized slugs save with post
* Bugfix: Slug Optimizer now treats words as case-insensitive
* Bugfix: Slug Optimizer now handles words with apostrophes
= Version 0.9.1 (August 1, 2009) =
* Bugfix: Fixed PHP parse errors
= Version 0.9 (August 1, 2009) =
* Feature: Added the Slug Optimizer module
* Feature: Noindex Manager now supports noindexing comment subpages
* Bugfix: 404 Monitor's numeric notice now only includes new 404s
* Bugfix: Linkbox Inserter now respects the "more" tag
* Bugfix: Missing strings added to the POT file
* Improvement: 404 Monitor now shows the referring URL for all 404 errors
* Improvement: Reduced the number of database queries the plugin makes
* Improvement: CSS and JavaScript are now only loaded when appropriate
* Improvement: Added additional built-in documentation
* Improvement: Divided built-in help into multiple tabs to reduce dropdown height
* Improvement: Miscellaneous code efficiency improvements
* Improvement: Many additional code comments added
= Version 0.8 (July 22, 2009) =
* Feature: Added robots.txt editor (new File Editor module)
* Feature: Added .htaccess editor (new File Editor module)
* Bugfix: 404 Monitor no longer uses the unreliable get_browser() function
* Bugfix: 404 Monitor now ignores favicon requests
* Bugfix: Fixed conflict with the WP Table Reloaded plugin
* Bugfix: Fixed bug that caused Module Manager to appear blank on certain configurations
* Bugfix: Fixed bug that caused multiple drafts to be saved per post
* Bugfix: Post meta box no longer leaves behind empty postmeta database rows
* Bugfix: Added missing Module Manager help
* Bugfix: Fixed settings double-serialization bug
* Bugfix: Fixed error that appeared when re-enabling disabled modules
* Bugfix: Newlines and tabs now removed from HTML attributes
* Improvement: SEO Ultimate now stores its wp_options data in 1 entry instead of 4
* Improvement: The settings read/write process has been streamlined
* Improvement: Drastically expanded the readme.txt FAQ section
* Improvement: Plugin's directories now return 403 codes
* Improvement: Settings importer now retains the settings of modules added after the export
= Version 0.7 (July 16, 2009) =
* Feature: Added the Module Manager
* Feature: Modules can optionally display numeric notices in the menu
= Version 0.6 (July 2, 2009) =
* Feature: Added the Linkbox Inserter module
* Bugfix: Fixed plugin notices bug
= Version 0.5 (June 25, 2009) =
* Feature: Added settings exporter
* Feature: Added settings importer
* Feature: Added button that restores default settings
* Bugfix: Fixed bug that decoded HTML entities in textboxes
* Bugfix: Added internationalization support to some overlooked strings
* Compatibility: Restores support for the WordPress 2.7 branch
= Version 0.4 (June 18, 2009) =
* Added the 404 Monitor module
= Version 0.3 (June 11, 2009) =
* Added the Canonicalizer module
* Added alerts of possible plugin conflicts
* Fixed a WordPress 2.8 compatibility issue
* SEO Ultimate now requires WordPress 2.8 or above
= Version 0.2 (June 4, 2009) =
* Added the Meta Editor module
* Fixed a double-escaping bug in the Title Rewriter
* Fixed a bug that caused the Modules list to display twice on some installations
= Version 0.1.1 (May 28, 2009) =
* Fixed a bug that surfaced when other SEO plugins were installed
* Fixed a bug that appeared on certain PHP setups
= Version 0.1 (May 22, 2009) =
* Initial release