=== Plugin Name === Contributors: Andrey Sorvin Donate link: http://andrey.sorvin.ru/ Tags: comments, spam, spammer, anti-spam, captcha, protect, bot, robot, invisible, human Requires at least: 2.0.2 Tested up to: 3.0.2 Stable tag: 0.6.2 Smart invisible captcha for wordpress comments. == Description == Smart invisible captcha for wordpress comments. Visitors of your website don't need to enter letters and numbers. This small plugin automatically 100% protects your website from spam in comments. == Installation == 1. Upload file `invisible-captcha.zip` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory and decompress all files from archive. 2. Activate the plugin through the `Plugins` menu in WordPress. 3. Configure settings in Wordpress menu `Plugins` --> `Invisible Captcha` 4. Relax and forget about spam in your blog. NB: The Identifier (id) of the button for comment sending in your comment-page should be "submit". Your theme must include file `footer.php` == Frequently Asked Questions == = How can I check if invisible-captcha is working? = - Just check out the `Spam-comments` section on WordPress-admin page. == Changelog == = 0.1 = - Creation of plugin = 0.3 = - Some bugs fixed = 0.4 = - Some minor bugs fixed = 0.5 = - Few small fixes - Now a valid xhtml code = 0.6 = - Some settings added - Algorithm modified = 0.6.1 = - Some minor bugs fixed with activation of the plugin. = 0.6.2 = - Fixed "delete spam comment" action == Screenshots == No screenshots. This plugin is invisible. It just works and marks spam-comments as spam-comments. If you do not believe me, visit my website and see for yourself.