PROJECT 3:graveyards at night


Graveyards at Night began as a project to document any and all unbeknownst phenomenon occurring in graveyards at night. When nothing was discovered, I regrouped and developed the project at hand. Project 3 is intended to juxtapose the eeriness of graveyards at night to the peaceful quiet of graveyards during the day. The photographs taken of the grave stones during the day and at night are identical in location. The feeling one gets from these photographs are remarkably different from day to night. In this slideshow I use music to alter the tone and build tension as the photographs progress from day into nighttime images. Peppered through the nighttime images are ghosted images of a young girl who seemingly haunts the graveyard at night. She becomes most apparent in the final image.

I took these photographs with a digital Nikon camera and used Final Cut Pro to edit and construct the slideshow. I used excerpts from songs by The Flaming Lips, Caribou, and Joan of Arc.