Jeremy's PostModernGothic Site


This was a very interesting class; probably the most unique class that I have been a part of my five years here at the University of Texas. I came into the course knowing absolutely nothing about the topic of Postmodern Gothic. After attending classes weekly, I walked out of the course still being very ambiguous about Postmodern Gothic. I have to come believe that Postmodern Gothic is whatever you make of it. I think everyone has their own definition of what exactly it means; my definition would include the idea of an abstract mainstream catalyzing some form of gothic image such as monsters, death, corruption, or something else scary or indifferent.
The only work that was required for students in the class were three projects of any form that illustrated “postmodern gothic”. Ideas for projects were very hard for me to come up with because there were basically no stipulations of what to do and what not to do. The fact that I knew very little about Postmodern Gothic didn’t help at all. However, my girlfriend, Jenet, helped me brainstorm some ideas for my final two projects. Without her creative assistance, I would not have been successful in completing this course.
Throughout the semester, my projects have gotten much better in quality. I first started with a simple audio piece of an event. My second project grew from the previous one; I put together a claymation and took snapshots to help tell a story of a character. And for my final project, I constructed a model of a heart with a knife striking through it. Each of these projects represented an idea of what I felt illustrated Postmodern Gothic. As you navigate through my website, you will be able to view these projects and become more in depth with my understanding and view of Postmodern Gothic.



Contact Me

AIM: slpytiger

Email: Jeremy

Phone: 409-454-0248