cute, but evil and chockful of problems |
So, why do people love these little darlings. when you get a purebred dog, certain assumptions come with it. in fact,a purebred dog is viewed by many as having some kind of guarantee. true, your lab may be a sweet family dog, but it is also likely to have a severe degenerative hip disease. and your grandmother's cockerspaniel may be cute and sweet and trot all pretty, but it is more likely that other dogs to have epilepsy, not to mention they are often neurotic as all hell. the list goes on, and with little searching on the internet this is the stuff i found.
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yes these dogs are popular, but................ | there is a laundry list of problems that purebred dogs are prone to getting because of their genetic inferiority. | |||
a person pays a lot more for a dog like this, and look at what they are getting! to make matters worse, on the far right are pictures of puppies at "puppy mills." these puppies are what you often find at petstores. they are manufactured like a car on an assembly line, except the ony effort that anyone puts into these dogs is feeding them, and sometimes not even that. these dogs are mistreated, and hardly ever even handled before the point of purchase. so if you get a purebred dog, get it from a reputable breeder. i encourage the purchase and/or rescue of mutts, they are better, straight up. |