A picture of me and my fellow ACTLABERS. Why is that behind me trying to eat me?
The Flying Spaghettii Monster is a deity created by Bobby Henderson in protest to the Kansas State Board of Education. The board decided to required the teaching of "intelligent design" as a plausible alternative to evolution in all Kansas Public School. Bobby Henderson professed a belief in the Flying Spaghetti Monster and demanded that equal time to allocated in Kansas classrooms for the teaching of "pastafariansism"
The central belief in pastafarianism is that there is an invisble undetectable deity composed of spaghetti noodles and two meatballs which created the world with his noodly appendage after a night of heavy drinking. Likewise the overwhelming emperical evidence for evolution was planted by the Flying Spaghetti Monster to test the faith of his believers.
Although I am an atheist, the reason why I chose to create the flying spaghetti monster costume was not to mock religion, but because I believe the flying spaghetti monster symbolizes the spirit of the "Weird Science" course. No matter what your belief is or lack there of, I don't think anyone can deny that some biblical scripture is just plain weird.

Preaching the gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
This project was very challenging for me. For one I had never sewn anything in my entire life, not even a button on my shirt. I was going to need some expert help and someone who was trusting enough to let a complete stranger borrow a sewing machine. I placed an add in craigslist and wished for the best. Luckily for me I found a helpful soul Cheryl Sweezy in Round Rock. Over the course of three days she taught me the fundamentals of sewing and helped me design and construct me costume. I had a wonderful time with her and this project is only capable through her. Secondly my plan was to come dressed to class and assume the role of the Spaghetti Monster and preach to my class. This was the most difficult part for me as public speaking has always been a fear of mine. This was definitely well out of my comfort zone and a hell of a ways from the biology lab. But I was fortune to have the support of my peers and especially my T.A. Joey Lopez. I took a shot at it and even though I won't be winning any academy awards I faced my fears and I think I did a great job.
The proceeding is a materials list and directions on how I constructed my costume
Here's what you'll need to make your very own Spaghetti monster:
5 yards of white muslin
1/2 yard of black fabric
1 yard of red fabric
1 spool of thin rebar tie wire
1 spool of beige thread
5 bags of poly-fiber fill
Box of safety pins
1 sewing machine
Cut your muslin into 5"x2.5' strips. Then fold your strip in half. Use your sewing machine to the perimeter of strip closed leaving the end open so that your strip now looks like a tube. Turn your tube inside out so that the seam is now on the inside and invisible. Fill your tube with fiber fill and place three pieces of wire that are cut to the length of your tube inside. Now you can sew the end shut. Repeat this 11 more times for a total of 12 tubes. In order to make the meatball shape the fiber fill into the shape and size of a basketball. Wrap your red fabric around the ball and sew shut. It's okay if the back is not perfect as long as the front is smooth. You will present this side. The hardest part is the head piece, but it's still simple. Make your eye balls just like the meatball but smaller and the pupils are done in the same way. Sew them together and you now have eyes. Make two tubes for the eye stalks and sew the eyes to them. The create a head cover tailored to your head with straps attached so you can secure it to your head. Then sew the each eye stalk to your head.

Anointing life with my noodly appendage
I hope everybody enjoyed my project. I worked very hard on it and am very proud of my accomplishments. I got a chance to step out of my comfort zone and explore the the other talents that I posses. Again thanks for Mrs. Cheryl Sweezy for all her help and tutelage, and to the my classmates and the ACTLAB for their support and inspiration. Thanks.
For more information on the flying spaghetti monster visit the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
-Johnny |