Spring 2005 created by Julie Peterson
In the boundaries between so-called hard science and ismple spoonbending lies the realm of Weird Science--
where certianty doesn't exist and people called "experts" battle for control of the meaning of words line "proof" or "fact."
Take a look at my journey through the realm of Weird Science by viewing these three projects.
PROJECT 1: The Lunch box
This four minute quicktime movie explores the idea of machines producing fact. The secret potential of normal household items such as the microwave are unveiled as a girl tries to solve the problems of her inadequate sized lunch box. While the facts produced from the microwave may seem absurd and fictional, each test was run multiple times with the results unvaried. Watch and be amazed.
The Lunch Box
This two minute experience will take you on a journey into the mind machine. This machine uses dual binaural beats and light visuals to take your mind into different modes of meditations. From stress relief to inspirational stimulation, this machine can answer all of your problems. Is this real science? Who knows. It's definately weird science, and my results have always found this machine to work. Open your mind to the experience awaiting you.
The Photosonix
This five minute video file explores the unsolved murders of Julie Peterson and Robert Fancher. While the detective leaves the file with no answers, the viewer sees the whole reality behind the murders. This mystery explores events that appear to be random and chaotic, such as objects appearing and disapparing out of thin air, and looks for a cause behind the madness. Open your mind to the universes beyond our own as you take a trip into The Chillin Files.