
greetings from champaign, IL...

m. and I arrived safely today in my (our) new home. the biting cold and scattered snow flurries are invigorating (for now - it's still a comfortable 30 degrees). after two weeks in philadelphia for christmas / new year's, I'll start scouring the small downtown area for some kind of usable raw space with which to set up a studio and project exhibition space (with a bias towards interdisciplinary work in architecture). the plan is to create a community-oriented gallery space which will allow us to bring in and exhibit the work of people that we like (friends, family, friends of friends of family etc etc) who happen to be scattered across the states and abroad. perhaps a manyfold midwest outpost, yes? well, at the very least, I'm gonna get started making.

thanks to kaz for last minute help in a-town before we left. AND, thanks to all who were able to stop by the consequential data exhibition - its success exceeded my expectations. more to come...

p.s. stopped in fort worth to see the new modern museum designed by tadao ando (of japan) and damn it's good in all respects. pictures forthcoming...

jeremyposted by jeremy .: top | blogger | help


LAST call for entries : urbanscape magazine :

manyfolders - if you have any kind of art you would like to try to have published, (short stories, pictures, poems, paintings, etc.) contact me ASAP - there is a chance we can place you in the coming issue of urbanscape. hurry up and show your stuff.

kazposted by kaz .: top | blogger | help

a preview of matteo's latest incursion ...


verona loca

(requires a few minutes of your time)
thanks for the kudos...

kazposted by kaz .: top | blogger | help


pictopolis mobilis

jeremy and his loved one are moving for good to champaign, illinois. we wish them the best. congratulations on a nice year, and best for the future to come. let's think of this as a beginning... manyfold chicago ?

kazposted by kaz .: top | blogger | help



attention: this news section will be used for news about major progress in manyfold, not for events and upcoming shows. refer to the members' private event section for timely events and such. please send me your feedback as it is customizable (fairly at least).

kazposted by kaz .: top | blogger | help


piece inspired by manyfold for levitated at amoda

with the Austin Museum of Digital Art.

one of three million configurations

titled and inspired by the one and only kaz raad,
Organic Machinery is a computational generator of walking organisms
constructed from a set of individual, hand drawn elements.

Jaredposted by Jared Tarbell top | blogger | help


hooray hooray. in the eleventh hour, eleanor eichenbaum and I were able to secure a space in which to hold an end-of-the-road exhibition of our graduate work; also showing will be good friends and interdisciplinaries, victor hernandez and hillary procknow. we've titled the show consequential data, meaning the residue of our research and work at the university.

visit my site for more information.

thanks to those who came and cheered...

consequential data

jeremyposted by jeremy .: top | blogger | help


melanie's latest series of ceramics have recently been accepted for display at blackmail. just in time for the holidays... you go girl.

kazposted by kaz .: top | blogger | help


singing city

...a no parking sign on a pole, simple, metal, a bit bent
perforated with holes, for bolts and screws, to put signs,
a modular pole... it was shiny, but not with light.
the metal was brittle and weathering, the sign was tagged,
and stickered and bent. but there, in this little stretch,
between a pizza place and a cd store, swarming around fleece
and flip flops, this pole, scratched and distorted : sings.
the wind was crisp and strong this morning, and it entered
like a thief the pole's inner core, and escaped, victorious,
from the gaps for missing screws - an urban flute, mesmerizing,
lamenting and telling the tales of litanies to come and gone.
a simple metal bent pole holding a no parking sign, enchanting.

to dr. cat

kazposted by kaz .: top | blogger | help


turning cmpbs into a wireless community

check out the current projects section... hehe. aren't we glad doug is back from europa ?

kazposted by kaz .: top | blogger | help

playing with the big ones

well. i can't believe it. honestly, i feel small right now, but comfortably so, yes. today, manyfold feels like an altoid. small, but curiously strong. this is a great moment for me, personally, and for manyfold.org - jared had already established his enthusiasm and interest in the group, by making this beautiful piece for our feature section... but now, 6 months after meeting somebody i consider to be a mentor, manyfold.org has a little piece of land in levitation. wow. *air guitar*

kazposted by kaz .: top | blogger | help


check out inliquid.com

this is a really great website out of philadelphia (represent) which features the work of various artists and a lot of great resources for arty types

jeremyposted by jeremy .: top | blogger | help


the next time you are passing through dowtown austin take a half an hour to peruse pertaining to painting, an exhibition of a handful of contemporary painters now on view at the austin museum of art. in my opinion, some of the best recent paintings gathered together in one place that I've seen in a long time... (on view until february 2)

"Many artists working today are absorbed in a quest to redefine the language and role of painting at a time when visual expression relies heavily on technological media and large installations. Pertaining to Painting explores nine artists whose work, although diverse and highly individual, has in common an interest in the conventional visual languages of painting. Artists included in the exhibition are: Michaël Borremans, Gent, Belgium; Mark Bradford, Los Angeles; Inka Essenhigh, New York; Hilary Harnischfeger, New York/Houston; Udomsak Krisanamis, New York; Nader, Berlin; Thomas Nozkowski, New York; Neo Rauch, Leipzig, Germany; and Sigrid Sandström, Houston."

jeremyposted by jeremy .: top | blogger | help


h-town getaway

well - i am in houston visiting maciek myself. back tomorrow for the IONU/Broken Appliance Theatre show... make it if you can ?

kazposted by kaz .: top | blogger | help


in oklahoma for thanksgiving

hello manyfolders,

i am about to go to Lawton, Jokelahoma for the holidays. i have completed two interviews this week: Camp Fig, Guy Juke. this informative investigation will be further shared this week after some rumination. enjoy your feasts. we should all get together for the Center for Maximum Potential Building Systems X-mas Party which is held on the 13th of December. Shanty Town awaits your presence.

much love,

m.schopperposted by m.schopper .: top | blogger | help


buy nothing day

remember to buy nothing on the day after thanksgiving.

Buy Nothing Day

kazposted by kaz .: top | blogger | help
copyright © registered ® trademark TM ?

US Copyright Office at the Library of Congress
United States Patent and Trademark Office

this will come in handy sooner than you think. "live work play" is a powerful set of words, and i would like manyfold to "borrow" them for its time being. i found out to my surprise that human code, once a friendly place to work in austin now gone under (well, it seems to still be around in japan and china) use to harbor the same flag. (although my research has brought "learn work and play" more often than "live work and play." to be researched a bit further.) - anyway, i dropped by the trademark search page where i found that no one for now seems to have officially registered these words as "their own" (excuse the excessive quotes usage, but all these concepts about "taking" words or "appropriating language" amuse me, as words are fleeting and unstable, evolving and free to the world at large).

+ as a result, there will be a new section added to this site soon : i will carry over these links from here as i build a "resources" section.

+ also, soon to be added a "current articles", since manyfold has now made its footprints in the world of magazine and publications...

kazposted by kaz .: top | blogger | help


open season for warehouse hunting :

friends, now that the site is complete enough (not finished but complete enough) to show, i would like to summon your help and creativity. two things : first of all, we need a collaborative project to show that together we actually are worth anything. so think of something, and talk to me. second of all, i am finishing up business cards. there will personalized cards for the pulling forward crew and just a generic one for the rest of us unless you speak up and tell me otherwise. it is time for us to look for a space. it has been time for us to look for a space. we live in various areas of town, and i would for each one of you to keep an eye around your block. i know jared recently spotted a property next to his house. scott has been sending me info about various places around town too. i like that. this has to go on till we find something. don't worry about money right now, don't worry about size. just report what you find. mark the territory. introduce yourself clearly. tell whoever what you're involved in. carry manyfold with pride as that will bear fruits down the line. trust in it. we are a wonderful group of people, talented, resourceful, and resilient. make it happen.

kazposted by kaz .: top | blogger | help

melanie and kaz write about the a-town :

melanie and i are freelance writers and designers for urbanscape magazine which will come out in january. yesterday was the first design meeting i attended. interesting group, good ideas. i hope things will follow through. i am assigned the design of an article on a famous austin artist, which you will find in the magazine ;) and melanie and i are going to visit a local art gallery and ask them some questions around breakfast tomorrow. it sounds exciting. melanie also is part of the feature story team, and she has a lot on her plate. i am certain everything will work out and i hope that this collaboration will be fruitful for manyfold down the line.

kazposted by kaz .: top | blogger | help


meaning building gets a face lift:

jeremy recently updated his site. very nice work. make sure to drop by. i will work on mine as soon as manyfold is up...

kazposted by kaz .: top | blogger | help


cmpbs party debriefing:

the party at the center friday night was a success and quite interesting.
melanie showed shanty town around to a few curious visitors. jared and laurie were there and got to be re-acquainted with Pliny Fisk III himself, (co-director of the center) and offered to help with "the game."

we met also Blaise "the camera" Moomie, from the Awarehouse. what's that all about ?

kazposted by kaz .: top | blogger | help

we need cash (who doesn't right ?) :

is somebody willing to explore these grant possibilities ?
(thanks to niten for the information)

- the hogg foundation for mental health research
3001 lake austin blvd. ste. 400
po box 7998 austin, tx 78713
phone: 512.471.5041 / call for an appointment | www

oriented towards humanities, this library has a wealth of info on foundations and grants, large and small. this is definitely a first stop for manyfold's financial future.

- texas commision on the arts
by appointment, 10th and Brazos
phone: 512.463.5335 | www

annual grants for projects, due 12/1 - hurry up with a prospectus and application and money could be coming your way soon.

- city of austin cultural contracts
doughterty arts center (barton springs)
phone: 512.397.1461 ask for josie or tibby | www

annual "contracts" for projects due 1/22

- artists' legal and accounting assistance/austin
po box 2577
austin, tx 78768
phone: 512.476.4458 ask for michelle | www

after receiving your application and $25 handling fee, ALA will set you up with an area lawyer or accountant who wants to work with artists. up to 10 hours pro-bono consultation. i think they shut down though...

let me know if you do.

kazposted by kaz .: top | blogger | help


manyfold.org is live. please send me your profile ASAP.

kazposted by kaz .: top | blogger | help


Who is figging it up tonight?
When is a good time to fig?

m.schopperposted by m.schopper .: top | blogger | help
what a night!
what a morning after (what time is it anyways?)
shanty town, what a part of the big picture.
won't you take me. too?

m.schopperposted by m.schopper .: top | blogger | help


from muck at IONU (recently updated)

Broken Appliance Theater and Gallery - its just a house in south austin where the backyard now has a large stage, a huge screen for projections, live instrument and DJ capabilities, plays, poetry readings, etc . . . and we turned the decent size living room and long hallway into an art gallery. An art gallery that is definitely seeking out new arts to replace our s*** that we hung up in the meantime and then we can call the chronicle to get into the arts listings without having to lie about masturbation.

we offer :

- live graffiti expo with DJs - local painters and spinners, maybe a crew from houston - also to help complete phase 2 of the art gallery (the outdoor part) and help us wall in the backyard

- digital projection showcases (this is a guy named dave's thing, using our venue)

- open performance nights - music, short plays, poems, projection, sing dance - once or twice a month

- i don't want to blow anything out of proportion here - it may happen ugly but at least its happening, live'n;learn, leap before you look, walk loudly and what the hell am i carrying this stick for, anyway ? etc...

kazposted by kaz .: top | blogger | help

Hello to the illustrious and talented Manyfold members. This is a historic moment for this small fish. My first Blog post ever. Jared is very happy to be here.

Jaredposted by Jared Tarbell top | blogger | help
this is me signing on...
in concurrence with kaz's most excellent redesign / restructure of the manyfold site, I am also in the midst of reworking my own site - this redesign is also prompted by the fact that I am days away from putting the finishing touches on my thesis, which will manifest itself in some form on my new site. let's have some whiskey.

jeremyposted by jeremy .: top | blogger | help


melanie says "i can blog too." this marks the beginning of the actual news blogger at manyfold. jeremy, jared, melanie and i will try to keep manyfold members posted about current events, the progress on a warehouse space, places to see, things to look out for. etc.
if you have any questions or comments, send them my way.

m.schopperposted by m.schopper .: top | blogger | help
today was my first visit at the cmpbs. interesting place, no doubt. talked to the directors about helping them out with a netmeter. i eventually made it work by the week-end.

kazposted by kaz .: top | blogger | help


first blog entry for manyfold -- this first entry is lengthy as it holds the events for the few days before this log began.

initial visit: on october 26th, melanie and i visited the space jeremy mentioned on east 6th street, next to pleasant valley. nice place, run by two college kids, one of them being kind enough to show us a bit around.

these guys have a neat space, not exactly what manyfold is looking for though. the district this warehouse belongs to is about to be hit hard by gentrification. talking to these guys, i realized that certain issues (zoning, water, electricity...) had to be thought out. in the case of this warehouse, there is no running water in the living space and the outhouse is at ground temperature. it seemed as the goal of these tenants was to be able to have nice parties and a space to do work. melanie and i agreed that if we were to get involved in a space of any kind, it would have to be equipped with basic comfort level amenities (hot water, stove...). it was an interesting visit. i am glad mel was there, she has been living at the center for maximum potential building systems for a while now, and she is aware of these vital things (living conditions, etc) i can take for granted at times.

call for manyfolders : on october 30th i sent a few emails to some "online friends" solliciting their sponsorship. i am hoping to hear from them soon. in the evening, i had a quaint meeting with jared and laurie from levitated.net. as we have been meeting more and more often, they seem to be quite enthusiastic about the idea of a warehouse / gallery / studio space. especially laurie, as she has some experience in grant writing and has offered to help.

finding out about UrbanScape: later that evening, i met with melanie again. i had received a call during the day from a magazine called UrbanScape. they were a bit obscure about what they actually do and said that if i was interested i had to come to the meeting. well - mystery is power : melanie and i decide to go and i think that was a great idea. We met a nice group of motivated austinites, with a good idea and a nice business plan. we met in the Design Center of Austin, if you haven't heard about it, check it out. the first issue is to come out in January. manyfolders to earn a place in the 2nd issue ?

camp fig, austin tx
CAMP FIG: third event that day : melanie and i drop by the CAMP FIG gallery closing party (305B East Fifth St. - no website yet). nice little space, run by art enthusiasts with a little budget and even less time. a nice example for others to follow...

good first day in the field... this first day was very encouraging, and gave me good hope for manyfold.

kazposted by kaz .: top | blogger | help