
Sunday, June 23, 2002
revisiting the blogger thing.
will leave it up here for old times' sake.

Friday, February 22, 2002
hey !

after doug recommended this website about urban places, i sent the guy my link to Higher States of Mood... and here's his answer. man that felt nice. yeah. whoa.

"I'm thoroughly enjoying your site. It's beautiful and it almost sounds even better.
And the ganking the scaffold video was hilarious. Very, very cool stuff -- I'll definitely be recommending it."


it's all uphill from here !

this is the kind of jobs we got around here...


Work in a team environment during fast-paced, high pressure newscasts and
other productions. Operate one of three studio cameras. Operate
teleprompter. Shade studio cameras. Change bulbs in studio light grid.
Assist directors with scripts and other pre-show duties. Assist in Master
Control. Degree in RTF/Communications preferred. Some experience in a live
newscast environment. Overall knowledge of television production. Team
player. Morning shift (4:30a-1:30p).

fuck RTF.

Thursday, February 21, 2002
i'm drunk at work

ok. so it seems like this is not *yet* a popular place.

how can this be ?

huh ?

Wednesday, February 20, 2002
hey maciek.

weird your message didn't show up. i wonder if it's because i f*d with the code of the blog :)
f. i lost the whole layout. that's why it looks stupid again today. dammit. what a waste. i had to redo it all.
oh well. jobs... mmh. well i just sent my application to 25 companies yesterday. we will see.
i hope you are well too. what's new up in NYC ? still have a room for me ?

First I would like to point out to any of you, do not write a long messge and then start pressing all those colorful buttons at the top there or you will loose your entire message. This lesson comes with experiance. Normally, I would be quit upset but considering I do this all the time, I have gotten used to my absent minded ways.

Kaz, How is that job search going? You rich yet?

It is 8:48 here in the chilly city of New York and starting another day at work.


speaking on the behalf of the Republic of Poland

Tuesday, February 19, 2002
hey folks. this is a blog. common geek thing. a place to talk about whatever. please post often, and post soon. looking forward to hear from you. i am craving some red bull. i hope you will all at least sign up. this could be fun, we can share good tips about getting jobs, stories about the new places we see, or just complain as we usually do.

take care y'all :)