Project 1: Dysfunctional Dollhouse

-For my first project, I decided to create a visual interpretation of a blackbox, since I was still struggling to understand the overall concept behind one. I have always been a visual person, so this was, to me, the easiest way of making the definition clearer to me.

Wow, who would've thought that a dollhouse would cost over $150 friggin dollars to buy and would be made entirely of splinter wood that required 5 hours and a degree in "im so smart ology" to produce. After hating life for a day I finally had the frame for my dollhouse. This is where the dysfunction and the blackbox came in to play. I painted the house white and put a little doll girl on the outside: my interpretation of a nice, peaceful family environment. I manipulated the rest of the girl's family on the inside of the house in such a way that created a paradox between what was seen on the outside and what actually occured within.
The pictures speak for themselves. I know they're a little over the top but I meant them to be. This house to me was a visual blackbox, because although you saw the product of the home on the porch "i.e. little doll girl" you were unable to see the life she really led and how that macabre environment was unable to effect her. By the way, the jello filled bathtub fell in my car on the way over to class and I was like "I know that wasn't the jello bathtub, you've got to be kidding me, that was the one thing I dreaded happening."
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