Inspired by the Situationists. Gesture of Refusal (Guy Debord) is any gesture or act that interupts or subverts the status quo. The Situationists believed that art should be inseperable from everyday life. I decided to create a gesture of refusal (this refusal need not have a political point, the point is, the act itself). I wanted to fake something. After a little brainstorming, I decided to garner sympathy and attention by creating my very own cast on my very own healthy arm. I began with plaster but it took too long to dry, so I made a cast using plastered cloth. I wore the cast for four days (I was restricted by work). I was questioned repeatedly, so I made up various stories. I received free coffee form the sympathetic barista at my local starbucks. Everyone wanted to write on my cast. I felt popular (at last!), I loved it. It was heavy and suprisingly not that uncomfortable. It broke apart easily I regret to say. Home |