=== WP-PageNavi === Contributors: GamerZ Donate link: http://lesterchan.net/wordpress Tags: pagenavi, navi, navigation, wp-pagenavi, page Requires at least: 2.5.0 Stable tag: 2.30 Adds a more advanced paging navigation your WordPress blog. == Description == All the information (general, changelog, installation, upgrade, usage) you need about this plugin can be found here: [WP-PageNavi Readme](http://lesterchan.net/wordpress/readme/wp-pagenavi.html "WP-PageNavi Readme"). It is the exact same readme.html is included in the zip package. == Development Blog == [GaMerZ WordPress Plugins Development Blog](http://lesterchan.net/wordpress/ "GaMerZ WordPress Plugins Development Blog") == Installation == [WP-PageNavi Readme](http://lesterchan.net/wordpress/readme/wp-pagenavi.html "WP-PageNavi Readme") (Installation Tab) == Screenshots == [WP-PageNavi Screenshots](http://lesterchan.net/wordpress/screenshots/browse/wp-pagenavi/ "WP-PageNavi Screenshots") == Frequently Asked Questions == [WP-PageNavi Support Forums](http://forums.lesterchan.net/index.php?board=14.0 "WP-PageNavi Support Forums")