(L to R): Gerald Shaffer and Darlene Catchpenny
Gerald Shaffer
wisdom of Gerald is undoubtedly vast
while some Savages puzzle over how many sides a triangle has.
acumen ready and pen ever poised
is always the smartest of boys.
Darlene Catchpenny
will be a great teacher, and how!
it sometimes seems she’s a teacher right now.
parses our errors and helps us along
the while singing a teacherly song.
Gerald Shaffer is our austere valedictorian. A dedicated bird
watcher and staunch naturalist, Gerald is the deep thinker of the
class. ASHS classes wouldn’t be the same without him
arguing with all the teachers! His massive brain is also powered
by a diet of vegetables and sprouts—he’s our school’s only
vegetarian. Gerald heads the National Honor Society, the Debating
Society, and was also the president of the Spanish club until it got
disbanded this year.
A popular saying at ASHS is that
you can’t catch Darlene Catchpenny away from her textbooks. A
constant companion and friend to teachers everywhere, Darlene even got
a key to the teacher’s lounge her senior year. She was winner of
the Citizenship Award for her essay on the Liberty Bell and works
part-time restocking books at the school library. Next year she
plans to attend a local university to get a degree in Special