Mr. All-American Savage

Mr. All-American Savage: Gary Sisk
Gary Sisk
Everyone knows Gary Sisk’s famous smile;
It starts in an instant but goes on for a while.
His future is filled with good luck and bright cheer
So we hope to see him at ASHS too next year.
A man among men at ASHS, Gary Sisk represents the best our school has
to offer. Kind and quick with a funny joke, Gary is a dedicated
fan to all Savage athletes and a supporter of all ASHS clubs.
We’ll never forget Gary’s trademark ear-to-ear smile as well as his
silly cheers of encouragement whenever the marching band
performs. Rumors whispered around the halls suggest that
Principal Winkle wants to offer him a position on the janitorial staff
just to keep his pearly whites around! Gary’s also never missed a
day of school—his dedication to perfect attendance after the injuries
sustained in his accident have been an inspiration to us all.