Cutest Couple

  Cutest Couple (L to R):  Birdie Byers and Jim Boatwright

Birdie Byers and Jim Boatwright
Birdie and Jim are never long apart
For they’ve raised the act of hand-holding to an art.
As of now it may be too soon to say,
But we think we’ll soon meet Birdie Boatwright some day

A reward of $10 has been proposed by the Photography club for the first person to take a picture of Birdie Byers and Jim Boatwright apart.  So far no one has succeeded!  We’ll never forget seeing them slow dancing the night away at almost every formal since Freshman year or holding hands outside their lockers before classes.  First and second chair trumpet players in the marching band, Birdie and Jim are famous for alternating top brass and for performing duets at juried State competitions.