A 90 second piece about TIME. During the first few weeks of class, much of the discussion revolved around the symbology of death. Students brought in objects that they felt symbolized death. Objects ranged from photographs to a dollar bill. A clock is the one of the first things I think of when I hear the word death. A clock is a way to track TIME. And I feel that TIME governs death.



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If TIME did not exist, then there would be no birth, life, or death. In order for something to exist, it has to happen at a certain TIME. For example, when I hit my hand against the table, it happened at a certain time in this universe. If I then hit my head, this eventoccured after I hit the table. If TIME did not exist, there would be no knowledge of me hitting the table before I hit my head. So when I went to hit my head, I would not know that I had previously hit my hand against the table. This would work as well for birth and death. Without TIME, after being born, I would lose all knowledge that it ever happened. Thus, when I cease to exist (death), I would not of known that I ever existed in the first place. And if one does not exist, then how can he/she die. Thus, TIME is needed to have a birth, life, and death.

In this short film, there are 3 distinct stages. TIME governs all of these stages. The first stage has the main character rushing to a destination. And once he arrives, he is simply waiting for TIME to advance before he leaves. This is my take on the modern student. He rushes to class so that he arrives on time. Then he sits and waits for it to end (almost as if he doesn't exist). Then he rushes outwhen that TIME comes.

The second stage is him walking home. He is calm at this point. Then he notices the time, and sees that he may be running late. So he hurries up and rushes to his destination.

The final stage has the main character waiting for something. He is bored and waiting for the inevitable; he is waiting for TIME to catch up.

This film was shot on MiniDV and desaturated to black and white. The scenes takes place in UT's Mechanical Engineering building,on my street, and in my room. The main character is played by myself. I shot almost all of the film just by holding the camera in from of me. The only exception is in the shot where the camera is behind me. That was done by roommate Connor Overby. I also performed the editing for this film in Sony Vegas.