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"For the first time we see the body's interior, not as like something." Werth writes, "but very nearly as it is."

“A blue dildo is for remembrance, a red one for ruth, the rare silver dildo is for the first-born son on reaching his majority. In ancient texts it may be seen that a dildo of Moroccan leather is suitable for a lady of the merchant class, while her husband may sport one of Cordovan leather. If it be made of pigskin, the lady is said to be ‘high on the hog.’ Gentlewomen, however, use ivory if their husbands can afford it…” (MA 85).

“’Identities seem contradictory, partial, and strategic’" (Jackson PG).

"‘We find ourselves to be cyborgs, hybrids, mosaics, chimeras’” (Jackson PG).

‘There is not even such a state as “being” female’, or “being” monster, or “being” angel' (PG). Just as the words on this screen are being constructed by your eye and a machine, 'being' or what you 'are' is a fiction that is constantly changing. The body as a "whole" is a fiction. We can only be understood as "like" something, or "very nearly" something!